View Full Version : Getting the most out of a doctors appointment

28-11-16, 15:06
I've got to a point where my anxiety feels like it's an all day occurrence. I feel very detached and down. This is putting a massive strain on my marriage. I feel like I need some help. The problem is that I've been to my doctors and the outcome is generally the same and that is a prescription for antidepressants.
I've done CBT and counselling but I felt they were not that helpful.
I guess I'm after some tips to make sure I feel like I'm being taken seriously by my GP.


28-11-16, 15:30
I found writing my points down helps, usually as I'm that nervous I forget most of what I want to say, so have started writing stuff down and going through it with them, it has helped me to get across how I'm feeling.

28-11-16, 15:44
Yes I echo the above, writing down the feelings you have and how its affecting your life. You can always pass it to the GP if you don't want to say them all, because I usually come out thinking I forgot to say this or that.

Asking them what options are available to you, in terms of therapy, medication and self help.

28-11-16, 15:55
A lot of it will depend on who your Doctor is though too.

I went to one Doctor in July when I was feeling very low, and got nothing. He just asked me what I wanted to do...

The Doctor I have been seeing recently is an absolute angel. She has given me 20 minutes each time I have visited, and doesn't mind if I ramble on.

Writing down the most important points you want to get across is a great idea.

28-11-16, 16:00
A lot of it will depend on who your Doctor is though too.

I went to one Doctor in July when I was feeling very low, and got nothing. He just asked me what I wanted to do...

The Doctor I have been seeing recently is an absolute angel. She has given me 20 minutes each time I have visited, and doesn't mind if I ramble on.

Writing down the most important points you want to get across is a great idea.

I forgot about that bit, some doctors are not too happy if you go in with a long list, but most have been ok with me about it. You are lucky to get 20 minutes though SLA, wish my surgery was as helpful.

28-11-16, 17:08
I'll make sure to write stuff down so I don't get flustered in the appointment. I've made a double appointment as well so it's not rushed. I know when I've been in the past I've just been prescribed antidepressants, I don't really want to go down that route again and just hope there is something else that can be offered.
I've felt like a passenger in my own life for too long and am desperate for some help.

28-11-16, 17:15
I've felt like a passenger in my own life for too long and am desperate for some help.

Me too bro. Me too.

One thing that has become increasingly apparent recently is that my biggest problem is.....

da dada daaaaaa.....


I've been stuck in a cycle, and still am. Anxiety/Stress... trying to achieve... putting pressure on myself... getting burnt out... feeling low... anxiety again etc...

I'm determined to get out of this cycle. The first step is realizing you are getting in your own way.

I'm still on a journey to discover what is the best way out. :D When I do though, I will tell you.

28-11-16, 17:29
If you find a way out before me make sure you share the secret!

I'm finding it difficult to describe how I feel. It feels like I'm in a hangover like state, almost dreamlike and I don't remember most things that happen in my day. Almost like I'm on 'autopilot'. Does that seem like depersonalisation/derealisation?

30-11-16, 16:29
Well, I went to my GP today and as I had anticipated the doctor was very good in that he listened and showed some interest in what I was saying. I came away with the default prescription of antidepressants and a referral to Mind for some counselling.
Maybe I need to take the tablets to see if they help this time around and go back to my GP in the future, if it doesn't help.
Any thoughts people?