View Full Version : Absolutely Terrified

28-11-16, 15:11
Hi guys, I just turned 22, Idk if anything im about to say is too r rated or against the rules but I will try my best to keep it age friendly, and If I make a mistake Im so very sorry ahead of time, Im in a commmited realtionship and I did the most stupid thing Ive ever done and if I could go back in time, Lord knows i would, I let a "woman who does things for money" perform oral, and I already had irritation there, so Ive pretty much accepted I have herpes, a few weeks after that I was diagnosed with NGU, and given antibiotics, immediatly after the act was over, i began to google herpes, so I made a plan to test 6 weeks after exposure and then again at 12 weeks, (some sources say 4-6 weeks is adequate time for antibodies to appear others say 12 weeks) so I went to the dr at 6 weeks and got the best herpes test available for me, surprisingly it came back negative for both types, my dr said the test was done in enough time and if the girl had no cold sores visible(she didnt) that I should be fine, he also presribed burproprion, ive been taking it for a month and have not felt the effects, he said he wanted to "try me on that" because of how worked up I was, now heres why I believe I have it , after googling I found out that a low immune symptoms brings it to the surface, I had some drinks with my grandmother the week of the blood test and the next day I felt horrible, the next week I had bug bite type bumps and hives forming on both legs which 2 of them turned to a single white head which I popped one of these hives was huge, now this could have been anything because I work outside and I wore pants with holes in them that monday but idk, also a very red area appeared on my genital, and had a shiny look to it, and went away in less than 24 hours? I rushed to the dr and had it looked at and the dr said "No sir, this isnt herpes" ive had bumps pop up prior to this and Ive had them all looked at and some of them swabbed and all came back well,, Im just asking you guys any advice to help me calm down, and how to break up with my gf, I told her everything and she forgave me and we've had protected relations many times after the event and she hasnt come up with anything, (another good sign I guess) , but I really wanted children one day but Ive gone out and messed all that up, im going for the next test soon, prepared for the worst:( thanks for hearing me out guys, thanks for any input!