View Full Version : suicidal

28-11-16, 15:57
Ive got no reason to live anymore-my life is pointless and im in agony every minute of everyday and its only going to get worse ,just wanna end it but dont know how to do it without causing myself pain, anybody got any ideas?

28-11-16, 15:59
I'm pretty sure you'll be aware that asking for ideas on suicide is not allowed on this forum.
I am very sorry you are feeling so low, I have lost a family member to suicide so this is a sensitive subject for me.

28-11-16, 16:02
Hiya Waynemc73 and welcome to NMP :welcome:

Why not take a look at our articles on our home page, they contain a wealth of information and are a great starting place for your time on the forum.

I hope you find the as site helpful and informative as I have and that you get the help and support you need here and hope that you meet a few friends along the way :yesyes:

28-11-16, 16:09
i threw my life away and have no way out of my life now , apart from ending my pain , it only makes me feel even more guilty and regretful that i never lived in the present when i here quotes thrown and me ! everyday i regret my 20s and the time i wasted and that i couldnt overcome my dounbts and now im 31 and im finacially broke, no prospects, no soulmate,no love and no support-no way out of this hell hole of an existance

28-11-16, 16:13
I wish I could help you see but I find it to difficult to talk on the matter.
You're still young. You've just described a life that millions of people are living. I hope you can get the help needed to overcome this.

28-11-16, 16:22
got no way out anymore

28-11-16, 16:34
Very sorry to hear you are in such a difficult place.

I'd recommend calling Samaritans on 116 123.

You need to reach out to someone who can give you personal care and help you right now.

28-11-16, 21:08
Wayne please go to your nearest hospital or call your emergency line. I know life can be quite bleak at times but even that can't last forever. Why do something you can't take back?

28-11-16, 21:19
Because il be in peace and not frightened anymore

28-11-16, 21:45
yeah and dead!

Why are you posting on here if you don't really want help? I am pretty sure you do otherwise you wouldn't have signed up and posted in the first place.

Catherine S
28-11-16, 23:26
I agree with the others about contacting an emergency number or talking it through with helplines such as the Samaritans. It's just that members here on nmp are mental health sufferers and not counsellors, and none of us are qualified to help anybody in that desperate frame of mind. I hope you find thechelp you need.


29-11-16, 12:57
Wayne I have been there my self and right now I do feel very isolated and lonely but hey you do have age on your side. I wish I was your age again LOL. No Seriously m8 we can help you get better but what actually do you suffer from for eg: Aniexty or Depression etc We care very much on here Pm me if you want to chat :)

29-11-16, 15:51
please please talk to the samartins i do feel for you ,we all have problems on here but we are there if we can help each other you are not alone take care please

30-11-16, 12:37
im sorry ive highlighted that im suicidal and that bothers some people for whatever reason-but this site is about expression and im entitled to express it

Im anxious and depressed and suicidal for 2 reasons

1. I Never lived a happy life because of anxiety

2 I procrastinated in my mid and late twentys knowing i was so unhappy and did nothing to try and change my career-for whatever reason i new i wanted to change but didnt know where my passion lay and because i didnt make any changes which caused even more despair -its really hard to describe how this makes me feel that i knew i wanted to change but didnt know what path to take and that i was so frightened of failing or screwing up so i did nothing which has no left me in the place im in now , i now rumernate daily and hourly about this fact and feel i dont know who i am anymore -and dont actually know what i want to do with my life

3-im losing my looks and feel that women i like dont like me-im becoming a loner and its really frightening -hence why i dont want to live anymore

I have had such a miserable life and it time i will never ever get back -i cant change the fact its been miserable and i caused it and it hurts so much to know it

---------- Post added at 12:37 ---------- Previous post was at 12:25 ----------

im entitled to say how im feeling -dont reply if you dont like it

30-11-16, 13:16
Hey Wayne of course you are entitled to your expression/opinion and no one on here is suggesting otherwise :) As for looks going downhill it happens to us all! It's whats inside that counts beauty is only skin deep as for screwing up and being frightened etc yes I have been there my self Iam a deep thinker and will anilize everything to the last detail. I suggest sticking around on here but also seek some professional help too. and again you are only young still, plenty of time to make changes from within HTH

30-11-16, 13:34
Did I read that right? ?? Asking for painless ways to kill oneself? ??? I could say a lot more but I'll bite my tongue

30-11-16, 13:39
Did I read that right? ?? Asking for painless ways to kill oneself? ??? I could say a lot more but I'll bite my tongue Sadly you did!! I aint judeging him atall he has probably had enough right now many of us too have been there so it's up to us to try and help this lost person Sympathy No, Empathy Yes :)

30-11-16, 13:55
i suggest you do bite your tongue phuzella

30-11-16, 15:27
i cant mention im suicidal on site that is for people suffering from anxiety depression ?

30-11-16, 16:14
I will suggest to Wayne he watches on ALL 4 The Stranger On The Bridge it's available for 23 days I think I am going to watch it Cheers

---------- Post added at 15:31 ---------- Previous post was at 15:28 ----------

i cant mention im suicidal on site that is for people suffering from anxiety depression ? Of course you can and this site covers many conditions and MH Illnesses too again no one is saying you aren't allowed to speak what you feel but at the same time you need to seek help to turn your life around my friend :)

---------- Post added at 16:00 ---------- Previous post was at 15:31 ----------

To Fishmanpa It's only a question but why delete your posts as it can ruin the continuity of a thread not having a go but just interested to why some members may delete a post which could be edited just a observation :) Cheers

---------- Post added at 16:02 ---------- Previous post was at 16:00 ----------

To Wayne do you want to change your life for the better??

---------- Post added at 16:14 ---------- Previous post was at 16:02 ----------

iam here if you want to discuss this via pm!!

30-11-16, 16:53
yeh i do want to change but i feel trapped at the same time -yeh il message you on pm

30-11-16, 17:00
yeh i do want to change but i feel trapped at the same time -yeh il message you on pmOk no problem m8 I will reply :)

30-11-16, 20:36
I am also often saddened by anxiety, but death is way worse. One man said that anxiety is temporary (meaning it can be cured), but death is permanent. Once you die, all the oppurtunities are lost. It is worth fighting and defeating the anxiety, you just need to accept all your pain and seek guidance. I reccomend you talk to some people like some therapist or generaly any understanding person that can help you.
Remember, you are not alone.

30-11-16, 20:42
I'm alone right now ...so I am alone, and death means no more suffering it's not always a bad thing , therapy hast helped

---------- Post added at 20:42 ---------- Previous post was at 20:39 ----------

Bigboyuk I can't send you an email yet as I haven't posted twenty posts yet

30-11-16, 20:49
Hi Wayne. I've been where you are now, others here have too. However, what I can say with some certainty is that circumstances change. What seems hopeless now quite probably won't further down the line. I'm here because what I tried to do didn't work and I'm eternally thankful for that. Sure I still get anxiety but we live to fight another day.

Have you tried ADs? Lift some of the depression and you are in better shape to address the anxiety. Because it's depression that I can hear talking. Hang in there buddy.

30-11-16, 21:47
im on anti depressants-not helping , I'm sitting here right now in agony thinking ive got go into that dead end job again tomorrow and I don't know how the hell to get out if it, ive lost my life , I'm so unhappy if got hardly any friends and no partner either I'm sinking into suicide and for good reason

30-11-16, 21:59
I'm alone right now ...so I am alone, and death means no more suffering it's not always a bad thing , therapy hast helped

---------- Post added at 20:42 ---------- Previous post was at 20:39 ----------

Bigboyuk I can't send you an email yet as I haven't posted twenty posts yet Hi I did say private message me m8 you will able to that:) Of course death is a bad thing then you say therapy has helped so there is a opportunity to try again a problem shared is a problem halved :)

---------- Post added at 21:59 ---------- Previous post was at 21:55 ----------

im on anti depressants-not helping , I'm sitting here right now in agony thinking ive got go into that dead end job again tomorrow and I don't know how the hell to get out if it, ive lost my life , I'm so unhappy if got hardly any friends and no partner either I'm sinking into suicide and for good reason Yes they don't always help either. dead end job snap iam in one now damn cleaner mate I hate it I have no partner not that I am bothered right now finaly I don't have many friends either so on 2 things we are both the same can I ask how old you are? And it will get better :)

30-11-16, 22:03
I'm 31, I'm sorry your in the same place - I just feel so guilty that I'm in this position , seriously messing up my life and have no way out of my pain

30-11-16, 22:33
I'm 31, I'm sorry your in the same place - I just feel so guilty that I'm in this position , seriously messing up my life and have no way out of my pain Hey no need to feel guilty about how you are feeling it's not your fault One I would suggest you see your dr and see if there are any different meds that have less side effects That's ok I have enough problems to contend with but want to try and help m8 :) If you send me a full detailed pm I will do my best to help

01-12-16, 00:01
What medication are you on Wayne? Chin up xx go to your doctor and get signed off? Go to spend some time with close family?

01-12-16, 11:00
i would love to have time off -god knows i need it but i know il just be stuck in alone thinking abot my ex and feeling helpless and alone in my flat

01-12-16, 11:47
i would love to have time off -god knows i need it but i know il just be stuck in alone thinking abot my ex and feeling helpless and alone in my flat Yes but that gives you bad thinking time the key is to stay busy what type of work do you do Wayne?

01-12-16, 11:53
i working on an IT Servicedesk

01-12-16, 12:01
i working on an IT Servicedesk Go on enlighten me do you repair the computers or offer advice to people who are having problems with their Pc's? How long have you been doing that job for? Prehaps a change would be the best way forward Wayne like I said in my Pm to you Animals helping them would be so rewarding have a think about it :)

02-12-16, 09:11
its more call centre type work with a little bit of diagnostics -its horrible and dead end

02-12-16, 09:43
its more call centre type work with a little bit of diagnostics -its horrible and dead endNot ideal I can imagine the stress and noise etc it would get on tits big timem8 but again you aren't the only person who is in a dead end job either take myself for instance Iam a cleaner and while the contract and client is ok the actual job isn't and neither is the cleaning company I work for so in that sense we only have our selves to blame for not moving on. So I suggest that you look for something else then leave your current job again you are still Young m8 but time is ticking away!! BTW did you get my last pm I sent you? Cheers

02-12-16, 10:08
that makes me feel worse to know time is ticking away and ive wasted the time i had - thats anxiety though, it paralyzes you

---------- Post added at 10:06 ---------- Previous post was at 10:01 ----------

feel closer to commiting to suicide than ive ever been-theirs no cure i know it

---------- Post added at 10:08 ---------- Previous post was at 10:06 ----------

feel closer to commiting to suicide than ive ever been-theirs no cure i know it

02-12-16, 10:26
that makes me feel worse to know time is ticking away and ive wasted the time i had - thats anxiety though, it paralyzes you

---------- Post added at 10:06 ---------- Previous post was at 10:01 ----------

feel closer to commiting to suicide than ive ever been-theirs no cure i know it

---------- Post added at 10:08 ---------- Previous post was at 10:06 ----------

feel closer to commiting to suicide than ive ever been-theirs no cure i know itWayne it wasn't meant in any bad way and is pretty obvious that time is ticking away. Unfortunately no one can turn back time I would love to be able to do that m8. The thing is you have to move on yes it's not easy at times I am in this situation right now my self stuck with loneliness, boredom horrible job, a shite Christmas to endure No nice things to look forward too!
do you know it's that bad for me I have to turn the Tv over when certain ads are on seeing people getting on with each other If I didn't turn it over the set would have been smashed up by now I could go on! Bet you have work mates though do I ? Nope so there you go Wayne You aren't the only one suffereing.

02-12-16, 10:47
for me theirs no reason to go on

02-12-16, 11:13
for me theirs no reason to go on Well you say that now I can say the same for myself but you have to have hope however small it maybe. Do you have mum and dad still around?? I don't know about any other members on here but there is no sympathy for you from me, empathy yes. I bet you have work m8's where you work? Listen you have to make changes other wise you will be feeling like this today,tomorrow, and so on.

02-12-16, 12:52
no i dont have work mates

02-12-16, 13:21
Do you have mum and dad to support you? I certainly don't mind trying to help but I have enough to contend with, with my own problems, help is here for you but I can only do so much like every one else on here!!

---------- Post added at 13:21 ---------- Previous post was at 13:02 ----------

BTW this is my last post on the subject as I need to recover from my own problems so one else can take over may come back to this thread at a later date!! Cheers

02-12-16, 16:56
Yeh sure , sorry

---------- Post added at 16:56 ---------- Previous post was at 14:06 ----------

31 going home to my bedsit and gunna sit alone frightened of the posistion and the trap im in-great

Catherine S
02-12-16, 17:03
Then you need to call the Samaritans and talk to them. Nothing that has been said to you on here appears to be helping you, and as has been already pointed out none of us are qualified enough to talk somebody out of suicide. If you are genuine you will accept that and stop putting pressure on people here. Please call a mental health helpline and speak to a qualified person. All the best to you Wayne.

Cath x

05-12-16, 09:52
jesus, some pretty unfriendly people on here

05-12-16, 10:12
jesus, some pretty unfriendly people on here Hey steady on, Wayne that's a bit unfair I have received a lot of support off members here so I find your comments offensive !! You aren't the only member on here that has problems I said I wouldn't come back to this thread that quick but I had to especially after those comments I asked you to pm me (which in fairness you have) so the way you are feeling right now you could have pm me again you decided to go public on this post fine, but please don't say things like that OK!!

05-12-16, 10:27
no sorry got every right to say somthing - ive noticed a few people on here say -'' stop putting pressure on people'', go and talk to the samaritans'' if you struggling-what exactly is the site for? -its unfriendly to tell some with anxiety to go get support elsewhere on a site thats meant to be designed for support

05-12-16, 11:01
no sorry got every right to say somthing - ive noticed a few people on here say -'' stop putting pressure on people'', go and talk to the samaritans'' if you struggling-what exactly is the site for? -its unfriendly to tell some with anxiety to go get support elsewhere on a site thats meant to be designed for support Yes And the reason is there is a lot of ill people on here you aren't the only one feeling like you do. so the member in question was trying to help you realise because I felt pressure but at the same time wanted to help. No it's not unfriendly atall to say what was said to you we felt we couldn't especaily regarding your opening post which I am not repeating again, If you open you mind up just a little you will benefit from the advice you are given...

---------- Post added at 11:01 ---------- Previous post was at 11:00 ----------

Any way iam bowing out of this thread now so it's up to you now Wayne

Catherine S
05-12-16, 11:37
Not as unfriendly as you Wayne it seems. Stop trying to stir up trouble, that's not very fair, and be thankful to the people who have tried to help you this last week, Bigboy in particular. And never think you have 'every right' to be on this forum, being part of it isn't a right it's a privilege. Take care.


05-12-16, 11:49
look again at your comments and yes I do have every right to be on this site-my comment was aimed at you and not Bigboy-if your dont like the fact that im suicidal stay off my posts -take care

05-12-16, 11:54
Hey Wayne,

Most members are here because they are struggling too. We are all in this together kind of thing.

I think the reason people are suggesting calling someone is because they are people that are qualified to assist with your specific current problem. Not because people don't want to help you.

This site is for support but its generally here to support people who want to beat their anxieties and depression. At the moment it seems you don't want to beat it which is why people are referring you to an organisation that specifically assists with people that are in a situation like yours.

I hope this makes sense. I would strongly suggest you give them a call. They are far more qualified than anyone here.


Catherine S
05-12-16, 12:11
Wayne has started another thread since this one, in which fishmanpa asked him about the Samaritans, and the reply was that he's called them many times but they can't help him because they too cannot advise on suicide. Wayne didn't mention it on this thread, even when we were all making this suggestion. So, that leaves visiting his doctor for medication...if he's not already on anything, and a referral to a trained counsellor.


05-12-16, 12:39
Right enough is enough Wayne you want help there's right way to go about it. My question is (think I may have asked this already or some one else has) Do you actually want to recover and get better seriously??? If you do then great we can help you as many of us have been in the exact situation as you are now.

---------- Post added at 12:37 ---------- Previous post was at 12:31 ----------

Wayne has started another thread since this one, in which fishmanpa asked him about the Samaritans, and the reply was that he's called them many times but they can't help him because they too cannot advise on suicide. Wayne didn't mention it on this thread, even when we were all making this suggestion. So, that leaves visiting his doctor for medication...if he's not already on anything, and a referral to a trained counsellor.

ISB x ISB What didn't Wayne mention in this thread sorry I have lost track a bit here. I too though would agree counselling or some therapy for starters. No decent organisation is going to help people end their life there are other good options to help people get their lives back on track if only Wayne can see this then there is hope.

---------- Post added at 12:39 ---------- Previous post was at 12:37 ----------

I suggest Wayne watches The Stranger on the bridge catch up on All 4 I watched it yesterday it was very moving too :)