View Full Version : How come.......?????

28-11-16, 17:16
Hi All..
Needing some answers to help me please...Im currently on week 5 of my 2nd relapse in 10 years...had not one setback for 8 years..then one last May and this one. In the past its been H.A. but this time due to redundancy and the breakup of my marriage its more generalized. My questions are...
Been on 50mg Setraline for 5 weeks...and hopefully is starting to kick in...thing is...from when i wake till about 2pm im struggling...at night time im totally normal...relaxed..and generally good...go to bed...up in the morning...same again.
I know all about Seratonin etc in the morning but just cant snap out the morning thing. Could it be that im taking my meds in morning when i wake...or should i try at night before bed.
Any help would be appreciated.

28-11-16, 17:22
Sorry to hear about your marriage break-up. Know how you feel!

It's been a sh*t year all-round!!

28-11-16, 21:16
Is there anything else that could be contributing to your fatigue? Sometimes changing the time you take it does help. Also doing something in the morning to shake off the fatigue like exercise has helped me in the past.

28-11-16, 22:41
Hi , do you mean the anxiety is worse from when you wake until the afternoon , I get like this at times on bad days it's all day and night , I think somtimes we fear the worst from when we wake over thinking what could go wrong today by the afternoon and come evening it's a relief that we got through the day unscathed and the relief makes us feel more relaxed the next day the cycle starts again , the mornings are usually the worst bit I think how can I possibly take another day but it fades through the day , sorry I don't have the answer I'm still working on that one so far I've come up with there is no bloody ryme or reason to my thinking , take care and hope it passes soon .