View Full Version : colposcopy on Wednesday - anxiety setting in

28-11-16, 19:53
Following a recent smear showing 'borderline changes' with hpv I've been referred for colposcopy. I had the same last year.
I recieved the letter for this around 3 weeks ago and managed to keep anxiety at bay as it was so long away. Now it's looming and I'm getting into a state. 2 of my friends reassured me the other night that they had the same thing but their abnormalities were worse and I shouldn't be so worried. But i can't help it. I'm so scared incase she sees anything bad. I can't bear waiting for results and last time she sent off a biopsy (which just confirmed what the smear said). Can cancer develop in a year? I only had an examination this time last year and they said it was safe to monitor. Would they do that if there was a chance it could develop?
Really hoping for some advice.
Thanks xx

28-11-16, 20:17
I've had 3 colposcopies. I had the borderline changes letter after each smear and referred for colposcopy each time. I really wouldn't worry at all. It takes years for the cells to change and they are just following a procedure, it's very very common. After your biopsy last time, they obviously didn't feel any treatment needed, as the changes were probably so minute. They are just being cautious and I promise you will have nothing to worry about xx

28-11-16, 22:36
Thanks so much Carrie that's really reassuring.
I'm just so worried incase she notices something bad. Then I get myself demented waiting for results :(
Were you panicking when you had to go? Xx