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View Full Version : One tonsil is swollen for a year after tonsillitis, should I worry?

28-11-16, 22:48
Last December (2015) I came down with a horrible sore throat that lasted about 10 days total. It was only on my right side and caused that tonsil to swell. I went to the doctor 3-4 days into it and had a swab and it came back negative for bacterial strep. So he told me it was viral and should go away in a weeks time. It did, the pain and redness anyway. I also had a fever and aches to company it and that went away too. BUT the swollen tonsil stayed. I didn't give it much thought really. In February 2016 I came down with a yucky told that turned into a sinus infection. I went to the doctor and got put on some antibiotics which took away the sinus infection promptly. I mentioned the big tonsil to the Dr. she looked at it and said "its big but not scary big." So I didn't worry about it at all. Fast forward to about 2 weeks ago. I came down with scratchy sore throat. My son had a cold and so did my mother in law so I figured it was related. It lasted about a week and subsided. Two days later I woke up with the same painful throat I did last December, again on my right side. This time I didn't see the doctor, figured it was the same thing. This began last Tuesday the 22nd. By Thursday/Friday ish the pain was gone and my tonsil went down a little (it had swelled with the sore throat to even bigger) and went back to where it was. Should I be concerned about it being bigger than my left? I stupidly googled and read about tonsil cancer and am now freaking myself out!! I'm 32 years old, never smoked a day in my life and I do not drink, at all. :wacko:

Gary A
28-11-16, 22:52
My right tonsil is noticeably larger than my left, this became the case after a bout of viral tonsillitis about 8 years ago. Your story sounds exactly like what happened to me.

28-11-16, 23:02
My right tonsil is noticeably larger than my left, this became the case after a bout of viral tonsillitis about 8 years ago. Your story sounds exactly like what happened to me.

Thank you so much!! That really comforts me. :yesyes:

Gary A
28-11-16, 23:08
Thank you so much!! That really comforts me. :yesyes:

At the time with me it was put down to scarring, as in the tissue was actually now scar tissue and that's why it appeared bigger. I would wager that's exactly what's going on with you. I had the tonsillitis voice for a good few months, not easy to spend all that time walking round sounding like Kermit the frog.

28-11-16, 23:11
At the time with me it was put down to scarring, as in the tissue was actually now scar tissue and that's why it appeared bigger. I would wager that's exactly what's going on with you. I had the tonsillitis voice for a good few months, not easy to spend all that time walking round sounding like Kermit the frog.

hmmm that makes sense. I've never had tonsillitis before, until last year and ,then I assume that is what I had, last week as well. Not fun! It hurts! I didn't have the white patches or anything, just a red, inflamed throat/tonsil area. I should have never googled about it. :scared15: Oh yes, the voice change, I had that too. Its getting a bit better but still slightly there. I just wish it would go down. I've been gurgling with salt water but its not doing anything.

Gary A
28-11-16, 23:15
hmmm that makes sense. I've never had tonsillitis before, until last year and ,then I assume that is what I had, last week as well. Not fun! It hurts! I didn't have the white patches or anything, just a red, inflamed throat/tonsil area. I should have never googled about it. :scared15: Oh yes, the voice change, I had that too. Its getting a bit better but still slightly there. I just wish it would go down. I've been gurgling with salt water but its not doing anything.

Suck ice, drink really cold drinks and avoid hot drinks and food for a few days. The swelling will subside but it probably won't ever fully be down to the size of your other tonsil.

28-11-16, 23:17
Suck ice, drink really cold drinks and avoid hot drinks and food for a few days. The swelling will subside but it probably won't ever fully be down to the size of your other tonsil.

Ok, I'll give that a try. I wish I never googled.

Gary A
28-11-16, 23:19
Ok, I'll give that a try. I wish I never googled.

And I wish I was married to Rihanna.

You googled, no point in wishing, just deal with the here and now. You most probably have exactly what I had, and I'm very much here 8 years later, giant tonsil and all.

28-11-16, 23:21
And I wish I was married to Rihanna.

You googled, no point in wishing, just deal with the here and now. You most probably have exactly what I had, and I'm very much here 8 years later, giant tonsil and all.

lol!! :shades:

Did you ever have it checked out and if so, what did the doc say?

Gary A
28-11-16, 23:24
lol!! :shades:

Did you ever have it checked out and if so, what did the doc say?

Yes, at no point was there any concern shown and like I said, it was simply put down to scar tissue. Tonsil cancer never entered my mind because I know how that would most likely present, and a swollen tonsil after infection isn't it.

Tonsil cancer presents as a cancer of the lymphatic system. Your tonsil would be swollen, but it would of course have gradually swollen over a period of time and it certainly wouldn't have been accompanied by all the other symptoms of infection.

28-11-16, 23:34
Thank you for your reassurance. You're right! HA gets the best of me sometimes. I'm working on it. :)

29-11-16, 17:16
Can anyone else relate? This is freaking me out.

07-01-17, 15:22
I thought I'd update: I saw my ENT after posting this, he determined I needed to get the tonsil removed and tested. He wasn't worried but to be safe. I was concerned but I didn't panic. I trusted him. I had a partial tonsillectomy on December 28th. I got the results last week, totally benign. Just chronically infected. :)