View Full Version : Brain surge/zap

29-11-16, 00:34
Today I got a sudden feeling in my head like lots of pressure. It was momentary, lasting only 3-4 seconds. Kind of like a brain zap but stronger. It scared me so badly. So, I am not sure if the surge was from an adrenaline rush or the adrenaline came after when it scared me so bad. I felt like I would pass out for a split second, then it went away and I felt tired and weak afterwards. This has happened to me before a few times, the last time about 2 months ago. Could this be a symptom of anxiety? I take Buspar and had skipped a couple of my 3 daily doses over the last three days. Could it be from that?

Thanks for any help. I am in panic mode.

29-11-16, 01:10
as far as I know brain zaps are fairly common with buspar. My doctor gave me that several months ago and it feels like a hiccup but with electricity going through your body. I only took that twice and afterwards I was prescribed Elavil. She also wanted to give me it again for acute anxiety attacks lately, but I haven't been on any pills because my grandma thinks they've been giving me health problems. As for everything else, those are pretty common withdrawal symptoms, I had a friend who skipped out on his meds for a few days and he had the exact same experience. Take a breather and go back on your meds unless they're causing you some serious problems. If you have any more concerns, you should to talk to your doctor about reaching the best possible solution.

Catherine S
29-11-16, 01:17
It could well be from that yes. Buspar, although not a heavy duty anti-anxiety drug, alters the chemical balance in the brain, so my guess is the zaps you're feeling could be the result of the slight loss of your prescribed dosage when you miss some out. It's a bit like having a mini withdrawl in a way.


29-11-16, 13:48
I've had that for as long as I can remember, every now and then. And I'm not on any medication.
I find it's usually my body telling me it's under stress, or very tired.

30-11-16, 21:44
I'm having something similar.. just posted about it. I am tapering off of Effexor and will try something new. Last night I felt like a split second of weirdness. Kind of like a surge of adrenaline, or dizziness/ faintness. Are you still feeling it today?

03-12-16, 00:22
I haven't had a zap today but my head feels funny. I am tapering off Buspar. I think that's what is causing it. I have been overly anxious lately too.

03-12-16, 02:39
Brain zaps can be caused by withdrawal of any drug that alters the brain chemistry equilibrium.

I had them withdrawing from vs!ium