View Full Version : Health Problems Galore

29-11-16, 02:00
Hey, so last time I came on here I expressed some concern about having ibs or pancan (which clearly wasn't the case but nevertheless). I ended up in the hospital a couple days after I originally made that post. The morning before I went to the ER I ate a little bit too much food for breakfast. It was pressing up against my swollen abdomen and when I stood up I felt this cold feeling surge through out my body, I couldn't feel my left leg for a couple of seconds, and for about an hour or so afterwards I felt really disoriented. The swelling in my abdomen subsided much much later and everything was fine besides this pain in the back of my knee, which I guess turned into a blessing in disguise.

I woke up at 5AM and I couldn't breathe, my eyes were dialated, and my heart was beating out of my chest. When we drove to the ER it felt like I was losing the feeling in the left side of my body. The symptoms subsided about an hour later and I was able to feel the rest of my body again, the doctors checked my oxygen levels and everything else and it seemed like I was fine. I was discharged and had a mild headache/migraine (a tickling feeling in my forehead) for a couple of days and I have since gained some of the weight that I lost back.

A couple days ago I had trouble sleeping, and the Elavil I was perscribed several months ago but stopped taking only helped the first day I had trouble sleeping. The next day I could hardly sleep at all and I spent several hours drifting in and out of sleep. Right now it kinda feels like something between my upper back and my neck are swollen and my hands get so cold and numb they feel like icicles. I'm convinced that my symptoms have something to do with my circulation system, but the results from the blood test I got a couple days before I went to the ER suggest that I'm perfectly healthy, other than my chloride levels being 2 points below average, my VLDL cholesterol risk ratio being 2 points below average, and having crystals and bacteria in my urinalysis. I still have a stool test due that I haven't brought to the doctor, but everything she's tested over the past couple of months suggests that there's nothing wrong with me, in fact the exact opposite. She even asked me if I was a vegetarian. I've been through a multitude of various stress inducing symptoms and I almost couldn't fall asleep last night. My doctor suggested that it was my anxiety causing all of these problems, but my family is convinced that the pills I was perscribed (Paxil) was the reason I went to the ER, even though I had been taking them for the third night before it happened.

So, my only question now would be: what should I do now? Is there anything I can do besides worry?