View Full Version : Desperate to move house

29-11-16, 13:07
My dad and I are hoping to move into a bungalow asap. We've been looking since April, but nothing suitable has come on the market. We're looking for a bungalow because I have difficulty with stairs. We viewed a bungalow on Saturday even though it's under offer, I loved it but we haven't put our house on the market because my dad wants to wait until after Christmas. The seller of the bungalow has stopped viewings because the person who's put the offer on the bungalow is having a survey done on the bungalow on Friday. I am really upset because I know it will be sold very soon.
We need to move asap because my mum's in a care home with dementia and other health conditions, and we need to downsize because our house is too big for the two of us.
I am very naive when it comes to selling and buying houses, so any advice you can give me would be appreciated. My anxiety is very high at the moment.

29-11-16, 13:23
Seems wise to wait until after Christmas since people are busy doing, well, shopping I guess. You'll probably see a lot more houses on the market in January (your dad not being the only one who has come up with this idea). Meanwhile you can read up on things to look out for while bidding for a house, it is time well spent. There are many pitfalls to be aware of, look at real estate agents' web pages and see if you can find some good check lists.

29-11-16, 17:28
I was desperate to move as well, out on my own. I know the urgent feeling!

Then I got a new job and my anxiety skyrocketed (I haven't started yet) and I couldn't find anywhere decent...so I've decided to wait a few months until more is on the market and I'm more settled job-wise. It's probably smarter for my MH :)

I agree that there will probably be more things available after Christmas. Most people don't want to deal with putting their house up and/or moving during the holiday season, so they'll just save it for the new year.