View Full Version : Anxiety at work getting me down :(

29-11-16, 14:56
Hey, I've had this a while and sometimes not at work but I get this weird thing where my neck tenses up at the back and i start shaking my head side to side can get embarrassing sometimes but the urge becomes too much and if i try and fight it it gets stronger. It's weird It doesn't happen when I'm on the tills I work in retail by the way.

But when I'm facing the shop up or on the shop floor it starts to come on :( I can't stop it I think it's because I try to rush to rush things or get things done on time I Just can't slow down :( I keep thinking it has to be done now.

This year the job is starting to get me down in general i think the place has gone really down hill this year and I feel trapped in there, I have no motivation to look else where though atm :(.

Any one else relate? also what should i do in this situation try and stick it a bit more or just start looking elsewhere?.

29-11-16, 15:17
I had a colleague who did that, he was a programmer. Don't worry, other people either don't notice or don't care much (probably the latter, everybody has their little quirks).

As for job search, there's really no other option than to get going although a job search os never fun. Read up on what methods will work best in your field, probably not filling out piles of job ads, but maybe cold-calling, that is to say contact prospective employers regardless of whether they run an ad right now. Get in touch (make the call from the loo, for privacy, if necessary). Find a couple of companies you'd like to work for and keep track of those. When they launch an opening, at last, you will know aboyt it (because you check in regularly, remember) and you'll already be knowledgeable about their business, can ask the right questions, they'll like that and will find you a prime candidate, hopefully. It's either that or sending out applications the way you buy lottery tickets, and this latter way is also much harder (lower chances) presumably, a lot of rejection to be handled, depressing.

02-12-16, 23:08
Hey, I've had this a while and sometimes not at work but I get this weird thing where my neck tenses up at the back and i start shaking my head side to side can get embarrassing sometimes but the urge becomes too much and if i try and fight it it gets stronger. It's weird It doesn't happen when I'm on the tills I work in retail by the way.

But when I'm facing the shop up or on the shop floor it starts to come on :( I can't stop it I think it's because I try to rush to rush things or get things done on time I Just can't slow down :( I keep thinking it has to be done now.

This year the job is starting to get me down in general i think the place has gone really down hill this year and I feel trapped in there, I have no motivation to look else where though atm :(.

Any one else relate? also what should i do in this situation try and stick it a bit more or just start looking elsewhere?.


Maybe your neck is moving because your job is making you anxious so it's creating a physical symptom if you know what I mean. If you're concerned then speak to your doctor about the way your neck tenses up and the urge you feel to shake your head. I've recently just left my job for a new job due to the place going down hill. I use to tell myself that it would get better in time but it just got worse and worse until I got to a point where I snapped.

I too had no motivation to look for a new job until I came to the realisation that I no longer wanted to stay in a job that made me feel depressed and miserable and that situation was not going to change until I made the decision to job hunt. It takes time and dedication and you may face a few rejections along the way but if you keep at it and apply for jobs and put the effort into job applications you will eventually get a new job. My advice is that for me sticking out my old job in the hope that it would improve made it worse for me. I became trapped and eventually hopeless. Life is to short to be in a job that makes you feel bad. You need to ask the question is retail for you? Or would you prefer something else such as office work, factory work and so forth? In regards to motivation sometimes if you want to change a situation you have to force yourself to change it. Apply for a few jobs you are interested in and take it from there.

Good luck :)

03-12-16, 10:10

I can 100% relate to you. I agree with some tings that have already been said, such as your anxiety could possibly be causing physical side effects. This is very likely in this case. When I've been stressed at work, I tense up all the time, it can't be good for you. Have you always been anxious at work or is it just this job? I'm in the process of figuring out what time of job is best suited to me as I've had 10 years of work anxiety all in different jobs. If it is just this job maybe look for another? Hope you feel better soon, it really is awful isn't it!