View Full Version : Believing drs.

29-11-16, 15:06
I have been to drs this morning about my kidney blood results and blood in urine and she said my bloods were a little low GFR and to not worry about it. She said it declines with age and mines 77 and hers is 50 so mines good compared to her.s She said don't give it another thought. I asked about the blood in wee and asked if it could it be with the food poisoning (campylobacter) i had 2 months ago and she said yes but it could be hundreds of other things. She told me to stop googling and try and get my anxiety under control. I know she's right but when i came out i was doubting what she said about the bloods because they have never been low before. I never believe them for long!!

29-11-16, 15:13
Let me ask you this. Or rather, allow yourself to ask yourself this:

Why would would a trained physician with a career to protect and a genuine care for her patients misinform you?

You might say "maybe she made a mistake". But that still goes back to the previous question. She sees results like yours all the time. A doctor simply cannot afford to tell you not to worry about something serious. Being told not to worry by a doctor - especially after tests - is equivalent to the all-clear! Now's the time to start dealing with your anxiety.

You've been thoroughly tested and there is nothing to worry about. Happy days!

29-11-16, 15:17
I am still anxious because of the blood in my urine and no infection, waiting to see a urologist about it.

29-11-16, 15:24
plus, ask yourself this, if she had turned round and said this is serious and something to be worried about would you believe her? Yes you would..so you have to look at it both ways and believe her when she says its nothing to worry about :)

29-11-16, 15:43
Asking for more tests or asking for more reassurance about tests you have had is just part of the reassurance seeking that is a part of health anxiety.

You can have as many tests as possible, and have several doctors and posters to NMP all reassuring you - and still the anxiety will resurface.

The answer is not more tests and more reassurance, but realising how health anxiety works and coming to grips with it.

29-11-16, 15:55
The other thing doctors don't do is give false reassurance. If they say it's going to be fine you should believe that too.

Don't forget you're not presenting with weird or wonderful symptoms they're struggling with, this is mundane bread and butter stuff for docs. They'll know when something doesn't add up and it's something to worry about.

29-11-16, 15:56
Accept the known. Accept the unknown.

Surrender to life exactly as it is. No amount of conscious thought will change anything.

All evidence points to you being fine.


29-11-16, 16:07
Blood in urine doesn't point to being fine in my mind.

29-11-16, 16:16
Sorry, I didnt mean it like that. Just that you wanted help believing the Doctor isnt concerned.

29-11-16, 16:20
I know i wasn't meaning you i mean that's how my mind works that it won't be fine x

29-11-16, 17:08
The way your mind works has no bearing whatsoever on whether you're actually ill or not.

Don't get me wrong, I don't expect me saying that to eliminate all of your anxiety in one go, but it's honestly a very powerful thing when you realise it and it truly sinks in.

29-11-16, 17:37
Hi Zippy

Did I read that right, that you are 77? If so, you are way too old to be worrying about anything health-related.

If you can get up, and are active, that's a big plus - you''re aleady ahead of many people your age.

Each day that you wake up, tell yourself that it it is a gift to you to live that day just how you want.

29-11-16, 17:42
LOL no hanshan my reading was 77 and hers is 50. I am 47.

30-11-16, 08:41
Some people have blood in their urine every time they do a urine test. Something similar happened to me and I insisted on seeing a urologist. I had to take the report from the urinalysis with me. As soon as he looked at it he said that there was nothing at all to indicate kidney ar bladder cancer (the diseases I was worried about at the time). He felt I didn't need any tests but when I told him about my HA he said the test that would eliminate the possibility was a bladder and kidney ultrasound. He was going away on holidays the next day and he said he didn't expect to see me again after the test because he was sure it wouldn't show anything. It didn't. I think the doctor can tell a lot from the results of a urinalysis even if it does show blood. So trust your doctor.