View Full Version : Brain infection worries

29-11-16, 15:15
I popped a giant zit left of my nose when i woke up. Its flattened now and I am scared I just sent bacteria one way ticket to my brain. I've also been digging into my nose (hey the change of weather really bothers my nose) and i've been scared of introducing staph into it. Anyone know anything about this?

29-11-16, 15:19

I know enough to say I have popped a thousand zits, stuck my fingers up my nose every day, and after 33 years I am still doing ok.

29-11-16, 15:57
Someone else who's been falling for that "danger triangle" nonsense in the press, eh? It's layman's bad science misunderstanding of a very rare and specific medical phenomenon. If popping a zit on your nose could cause brain infections, every high school in the world would get several cases every year!

29-11-16, 15:58
Isn't the danger triangle part of the female anatomy? :whistles:

Positive thoughts

29-11-16, 16:01



30-11-16, 04:52
Gatsby - remember me explaining about the danger triangle thing? The press were reporting it as zits yet the actual science is accepted and has been around for a very long time and the figures show how rare it is and the fact it's about boils, not spots.

Look up that thread, I debunked it on there but I remember you asking me about this one.

30-11-16, 05:15
The danger triangle is dangerous only to Americans, I believe, in Sweden it doesn't exist insofar I know. I never heard of it before coming to this web board. There isn't even a word for it in my language; I just checked it out on Wikipedia; it only affects people who speak English, Arabic, or Polish (there being pages for it only in those three languages). Everybody else (Chinese, Hindi, African, Scandinavian, Russian, etc. etc.) are in the clear. :D:roflmao:

No, instead listen to user SLA, 33 years of experience. Also, remember your immune system (developed over millions of years by your ancestors) is sort of set up to deal with bacteria. If popping a zit would send deadly bacteria into the body, nobody would be around today.

01-12-16, 05:55
I've calmed down a bit now. Ive been stricken with a case of Dr. Google and it's hard to resist. Going into full panic mode at the slightest sensation or thought. When I calm down and bit I start to realise "wait I have picked my nose since time immortal and I am still not dead?" The acne is gone and haven't developed a fever so I guess I am not dead yet. Still the fact that the nose has a straight shot to the brain theoretically that can cause it to hit the brain fascinates like as much as it scares me. :lac:

My HA really has been a pain in the ass to tackle. I'll get it sooner or later. Thanks guys.

01-12-16, 06:22
Don't go near anything other than the Wiki, which has the correct citations to medical research in this area and the article is linked to the infection where the boils leak to BUT a word of warning about clicking through into the infection page as these infections occur in medical conditions too hence you will see irrelevant things with scary names.

But don't go near the newspapers, god knows where they got all this zit picking rubbish from. I read several different media outlets when this was kicking off and not one of them even cited a doctor in their articles. Basically it's these pathetic tittle tattle journalists that never existed before the newspapers went online. Anyone can write for them these days, and they do.