View Full Version : so scared and petrified please help

29-11-16, 15:27
Ok so I am sat here feeling extremely strange 😟 I've had a cold for the past week and it's left me with loads of mucus which I can't get out. My head feels heavy and blocked and like it's got so so much pressure in it. I feel really drowsy and tired and just generally dizzy and strange. I've had a awful pain on the right side of my tummy since yesterday which is always there but hurts more upon pushing. It's sort of all over but mostly to the right. I've been for a number 2 twice which hasn't helped and keep feeling like I need to pass wind but nothing is coming... so scared I've got appendicitus or a blockage and it's causing me to feel drowsy? I feel like I'm itchy from the inside and just really exhausted and tired and like I'm twitching and tingling all over I'm so scared please help am I going to die. My back also hurts up the top.

29-11-16, 15:34
Most probably the cold (they can linger) plus health anxiety.

Otherwise, see a doctor. Appendicitis can be determined from such things as physical examination of the abdomen, a blood test and temperature. Doctors are well-versed in this.

Gary A
29-11-16, 15:35
It sounds like you've got the flu. If you're concerned then you should speak to your doctor.

29-11-16, 16:06
I had a blood test last Thursday and the results came back as normal. I'm just so worried. I want to know why I feel this way �� I am experiencing frequent urination today too. Can anxiety make u feel this way?

30-11-16, 14:35
A blood test won't tell you much about the flu or a cold, and yes, health anxiety makes people hyper-aware of and fearful of normal symptoms and ordinary upsets, along with generating anxiety-provoked symptoms.

30-11-16, 20:03
I had a blood test last Thursday and the results came back as normal. I'm just so worried. I want to know why I feel this way �� I am experiencing frequent urination today too. Can anxiety make u feel this way?

Anxiety/stress can definitely make you feel like you have to pee more frequently.

30-11-16, 20:10
If your all bunged up in your sinuses from your cold then that can make you feel dizzy and strange. You sound like me at the moment. I too have a cold that won't quite go away and am bit blocked in my sinuses which makes your head feel heavy and pressured. Also if your body is fighting a cold you will be more tired too. Weirdly I am also getting tummy aches so may just be a particular bug going round. My kids have had a mixture of coughs and colds and sickness bugs too. I blame the change in the weather. Hope you feel better soon.
