View Full Version : 20mg - Is it too much??

30-11-16, 00:50
Can anyone tell me of a time where the Lexapro dose was "too much" and what made you think it was too much? I am currently on 20mg and while I do feel better from 3 months ago, I think the drug is also having negative side effects such as dizziness and brain fog--how would I know though?:shrug:

30-11-16, 01:33
have you been on the 20 mg 3 months or just recently upped to 20? 20 was my ideal dose but it's normal to have symptoms when you increase that will go away.

30-11-16, 03:58
I've been on 20 for about 3 months now. I feel really dizzy still and just generally weird. I was on 10mg for 2 years about 3 years ago and then my anxiety came back so bad my dr recommended 20 and I just went straight on it. It's been exactly 3 months.

30-11-16, 08:43
I've been on 20 mg Escitalopram for 2 weeks now, and I'm only feeling the benefits. It's the maximum dosage, as my therapist says. However, it's not working perfectly for me as I should not be still getting panic attacks on them, so I might need to change medication (yet again..). :(
I suggest you talk to your doctor about these side-effects, and please make sure that something else isn't causing them. It's very tempting to blame everything on the medication, especially because reading about side-effects is so very scary!

30-11-16, 18:10
You'll need to stick with it for at least 6 to 8 weeks for any side effects to start subsiding. I experienced increased panic and anxiety for about 5 weeks and was due to quit but I kept on it and now 10/11 weeks in I feel so much better.

05-12-16, 21:24
Thanks for replying everyone. After 10 weeks do you still have anxiety symptoms? It's been 3 months on 20mg and I still have hot and cold sensations and tingling here and there but I'm not anxious anymore nor have I had a severe panic attack in 2 months. I know medication isn't just a quick fix but I'm hoping after 3-5 months and some yoga, most symptoms should go away?

06-12-16, 12:18
According to my therapist, you shouldn't still be having panic attacks on a high(er) dose of Escitalopram, so it definitely seems like you're on the right path with the medication. By comparison, tingling sensations and a bit of anxiety aren't that bad, are they? :) The pay off is much higher: no bad panic attacks!

06-12-16, 15:38
12 weeks in I feel great and all side effects gone.

06-12-16, 21:44
I'm very pleased for you, Colin!

19-12-16, 02:09
Thanks all! I am feeling better now that I've been on it for 3 months. Definitely no more panic attacks. I am still getting these tingly feelings in my legs though and throughout my body. I got a massage and they actually went away for a few weeks and now they're back. Has anyone ever experienced this long term?