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View Full Version : I can't handle this! Emetophobia.

30-11-16, 08:59
So, for some reason my emetophobia is worse this year than it's ever been.

My soon started school last year and he caught a bug the day before he was due to break up for Xmas holidays. I was a bit of a wreck but glad he'd got it out the way for Xmas, my husband was ill a few days later (just sick once but felt off it for a couple of days) and I had a bit of a dodgy tummy on Xmas day but I put that down to lobster I had as it's the second time it's happened after eating that.

Anyway, fast forward to this past week knowing the dreaded norovirus is about again (I presume that's what it is). I have had several breakdowns over the fear of catching it. A few people from work have had cramps, diarrhoea and feeling sick. A couple of kids from my sons school are off even my mum has had it and she's never ill! My friend whose daughter is in my sons class has text me to say her daughter has been unwell with bad pains and threw up just once last night. Also another child who is pretty resilient and never ill.

I'm not even on Facebook or anything and I'm still hearing about so many people being poorly it's frightening the life out of me! My husband is away tonight and Saturday too and I'm praying if it strikes it's not when he's away.

I do have some domperidone but I don't know if it would work for a sickness bug. It sounds bad because I'm absolutely terrified of it but if I'm going to get it I want it sooner rather than Xmas to get it out the way.

When my son was at nursery he never caught a bug even when it had a sign up saying there are cases of D&V. He had one last year when he started school does this mean he will get it every year now? I'm so so scared I can't handle it!

Why do people take great pleasure in talking about how many people have got it and how bad it is when you get it!

30-11-16, 20:03
Someone help I feel so frightened I haven't eaten in 3 days

30-11-16, 20:37
Norovirus is a huge fear of mine too.
The best thing you can do is wash your hands and eat properly to keep your strength and immune system up. Not eating will make you more prone to getting ill.
I know it's horrid to hear so many people falling Ill every single winter. Drives me insane with worry. But I just try my best to keep up my Hand hygiene and I would encourage your little one to sensibly wash his hands before he eats and maybe a gentle word about putting his hands in his mouth.
You will get through this xx

30-11-16, 21:07

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01-12-16, 07:20
Thanks carrie, it's so exhausting isn't it? I do try to drill it in to him, he does tend to be pretty good bless him but I don't want to put him in danger of becoming obsessed about it like I am. He got his first wobbly tooth yesterday so of course he keeps prodding and poking that with his finger even thought I have told him not to put he's fingers in his mouth! My husband isn't bothered at all so when I'm begging him to wash his hands as soon as he walks in the door he just thinks I'm nagging! Lol. I'm a complete wreck right now. I wish they would crack on with this norovirus vaccine I would be first in the queue even if I had to take a loan out to pay for it! Haha x

01-12-16, 13:20
I have this fear too. It's more common than you might think.

I don't have much useful to add to what carrie said except the cbt techniques i'm currently using to try and reduce the phobia done to a more reasonable fear thought.

The idea is to recognise every emet type thought as it arrives in your brain and rather than act on it (get more anxious, go wash your hands l, stop eating the thing you're eating etc) and relabel it as a phobic or anxiety thought then distract yourself or go back to whatever is it you were doing.

It's hard work but after a couple of months of this the thoughts do come along less and the fear does begin to reduce.

01-12-16, 14:29
It's very exhausting!
If I accidentally put my hand near my mouth I panic and think 'what did I last touch?'argh! And I sometimes even eat using tissues over my hands if I'm in public! (Not at home)
For me my fear is at its peak in winter. In fact just now I'm on my way to work and one of my friends who I will be with all evening currently has norovirus!!
She stopped being sick yesterday :-/
I'm going to wash my hands like there's no tomorrow when I'm in work. I'll also try not to touch things she's been in contact with. Very very difficult x

01-12-16, 14:47
I don't eat the end of things I touch (biscuits, crisps, chips) even if I just washed my hands. I don't really care if anyone sees me tbh I know it's weird. One of my wife's friends saw me doing it and commented on what a good idea it was lol. She has emetophobia too I found out.

That doesn't make it ok though, I know it's a safety behaviour I have to stop really.

What realky made emetophobia grind my life to a halt was panic attacks. I've had them many times in my life (from worrying about whether i've eaten something dodgy or got a bug) and if I started to get panicky i'd think well if I was that ill I wouldnt have the energy to have a panic attack.

Then stupidly I got some thought in my head that panic attacks themselves would make me sick if I got too bad. Even though that's never happened to me ever (although I realise that some people get sick before giving a speech or job interview - i've never been one of those people).

Anyway i've waffled. Emetophobia sucks but it's very treatable with hard work and time.

01-12-16, 16:05
I'm in turmoil today! I was just started to try and chill out about it but my son has come home from school and said his friend was sick in assembly today and he was sat next to her!!!!! He is guaranteed to get it now! i can't handle his! The exact same thing happened last year when he caught it. Two days later he started with it. This time, two days later means my husband is away so I'll be on my own with him and have to deal with it therefore I'll get it!! xx

---------- Post added at 16:05 ---------- Previous post was at 16:00 ----------

Carrie I wish everybody would stick to the 48 hr rule. Don't go anywhere until 48 hrs after last symptoms then a majority of it would be eradicated! x