View Full Version : Update on it all

30-11-16, 15:23
Hi guys

I posted a very long My Story on here a few weeks back and I thought I would share an update with you all. So after various levels of Dr's and tests etc the Dr diagnosed me with Health Anxiety. Since the diagnosis I have been doing reply well and going to CBT sessions.

In the past 5 weeks I have had got a lot better and all my anxiety has been totally under control albeit I have been seeing flashes of black light in my eyes and having dizzy/lightheaded spells every day.

However.....I had been complaining about a lump that had formed on my left shoulder for months. The Dr ended up referring me for an ultrasound 2 weeks ago. The specialist there has seen I have something called Scapula Winging on my left shoulder and that mine is a very unusual case as it mainly happens with sport injury, to which I have done ZERO!

Whilst there he was asking about my flashes of light and was very concerned that my scapula winging has come on by itself and referred me for a nerve function test (EMG) and MRI scan of the neck, shoulder and brain! All my scans were done last week and now I have to see a neurologist next week for the results.(although my EMG is not until this coming Saturday)

Anyway on Thursday something really strange happened to me. I was sat watching TV and I wanted to get a glass of water so I stood up and all of a sudden I went extremely lightheaded and everything seemed to go a pale blue colour. I came back and sat down and within minutes my heart rate started to go mental. I have a monitor so used it and it said 144bpm! I got chest pains (3 out of 10 for pain score) and a weird warm sort of rush feeling in my chest (I had this before like a surge of adrenaline in my chest which I only get for a second or 2). I took a good hour for it to go down but was still hovering over the 90's mark. Normally mine is in the 70's.

Since the episode I have been feeling lightheaded each day but not a noticeable heart rate. However yesterday it happened again. This time I checked my pulse with my fingertips and felt my rate go really fast then really slow, then really fast then really slow again until my pulse stopped! I actually felt my pulse stop for about 2-3 seconds! In that time I then felt that same rush of warmth in the middle of my chest and then my pulse started again. I just wonder if all those chest sensations I have had since all this started 3 months ago were because my pulse/heart had stopped!?

Same thing happened again today and my heart rate has been going up to 127BPM. I called NHS 111 but they said because no severity of pain in chest or back go to local GP. I don't know what to do.

I keep thinking that I have had 3 ECG's in past 3 months and been told at the time they were all normal. I just want to know what is causing my heart rate to go mental/lightheaded/chest aches

Thought I was getting back on track but now concerned about my heart!

01-12-16, 09:53
As with the heart thing, I freaked out the first time I felt my pulse and really paid attention to it. I noticed after a while that my heart rate increased when I breathed in and slowed back down when I breathed out. I don't know if this is the case for you but check it out and get back to me.

01-12-16, 09:56
Hi, don't worry :-) I know its hard, but you will be okay and your pursuing all the right avenues, to make sure you get this checked out.

Stay calm and hopefully you will feel better soon. :-)