View Full Version : Need reassurance !!!

30-11-16, 18:00
not sure where to start but I keep getting weird feelings inside my body such as small sharp pains in most parts of my body, like the back of my lungs and front left and right sides of chest. Weird stomach pains and my belly makes noises quite often randomly. I'm always down and don't want to speak to anyone. Been locked away in my room for a while there is so much happending to me I don't feel right inside my body. I get depersonalisation 247 where I look at myself and just don't feel like it's me it's very weird. Some of my symptoms don't show up on the anxiety pains list on google so it's worrying. I've thought to myself plenty of times I've got cancer. Heart problems and lung problems but i also get kidney pain and tightness sometimes. It's affecting my whole body!! I've had blood tests and ecgs and they've said I'm okay but im not convinced for some reason it's kinda taking over my life now. Worried a lot of the time it's horrible I just feel like I'm going to die soon !!!!!
If anyone is going through this or knows anything about this pleaseeee tell me it's anxiety! These symptoms happen out of the blue !

30-11-16, 18:07
Yeah when my anxiety was at it's worst my body would hurt in random places.
Sometimes my legs would feel so sore for days! Then my side would hurt. I had this weird stab in my right pelvic area regularly which made me think I had a kidney problem. But I haven't had any of that for months now.
The list of anxiety symptoms is endless. They can't pin everything down because everyone experiences different things, everyone's body reacts differently to stress.
Try not to worry about it. Aches and pains are a common part of anxiety.