View Full Version : NAUSEA

01-12-16, 07:24
does anyone get really really bad nausea with their anxiety?
Mine's going on 4 months and doesn't look to be an end in sight..

01-12-16, 19:52
Oh yes...... Anxiety always manifests itself in nausea with me. The length of time that you mention is no stranger to me either. When I first encountered an extended period of nausea, I reported directly to my GP, who promptly sent me off for an ultrasound and endoscopy. Nothing was found - no inflammation, ulcers, h-pylori, acid reflux damage - nothing.

If you can manage your anxiety through your own efforts, or with the help of your GP (medication or counselling), you will find that it will eventually abate. Not straight away. After all, your poor stomach and intestines and the musculature around them has been stressed over some time. It will take a while to settle.

There are many posts on this forum concerning this issue. Have a hunt around. It made me feel better about myself (i.e., I wasn't abnormal or very sick).

Hope this helps anxietygirl91

01-12-16, 21:58
I get really bad nausea with anxiety...it is the worst symptom for me. It helps to try to eat little and often.

01-12-16, 23:57
I have had nausea with my anxiety for years, i find that when i feel sick, doing something to take my mind of it helps, i usually go on the calm.com app or have a sip of water. :-) Try distraction techniques and try not to focus on it :-)

02-12-16, 00:52
thank you all for your replies! I have been investigated thoroughly by the docs. bloods, stool, urine tests, colonoscopy, endscopy, CT scan, MRI's. All have come back fine. The nausea actually started straight after my first stomach flu in august... both the nausea and anxiety got bad at the same time. I haven't actually vomited since the stomach flu but have felt close. I suppose I'm one of the lucky ones.

I think the stomach flu may have triggered off a vomit phobia i've had since i was a child... but then again the nausea is so strong day in day out that I'm having trouble accepting that it is from the anxiety.

I'm glad i don't feel as alone now but it pains me that other people go through the same thing :(