View Full Version : Weird sensation

01-12-16, 15:46
Sitting at work post rushing around, very busy and everyone wanted me to do something, it is also very hot as heating on full blast, head full of things that have to be done as away from tomorrow for a few days, anyway, just sat down felt a really weird heady feeling, like a buzzy feeling for a second and felt like I wasnt here for a couple of seconds, kinda like when they used to give you gas at the dentist, freaked me out a little, even went and did all the stroke signs, silly i know, everything is working fine, and now feel ok, but is this a sign of anxiety. i dont like flying and have to fly in the morning.

01-12-16, 18:05
If I were you, and in the circumstances you just listed, I would for sure be having an anxiety attack, and it would probably feel just as you describe.

When I go through that I try and take a break - see if I can get out in the cool air and walk around a bit. Even 10 minutes helps.

Safe flight tomorrow!