View Full Version : Lifelong member of the HA Club

01-12-16, 23:48
Hello all-
Finally registered for one of these forums...it's gotten that bad. Been a lurker (guest) in the past but figured I would take the plunge.

I've had HA my whole life. Starting as a ten year old with "throat closing up" sensations. Then again at about twelve. Next up was "not being able to take deep breaths" in high school and again in college. Each time this event is triggered by something and the genie is let out of the bottle. Visits to the dr with nothing found wrong. It takes about two months for me to get out of the anxiety state. Feeling like I'm never going to get better, feel normal again, etc. Unable to enjoy life and then depressed.

Happened again in my mid twenties, had a stomach bug, went to the ER, they prescribed a anti-nausea drug which causes anxiety. Genie out. No specific physical ailment this time but a couple months of anxiety and depression. At this point, my mom (who is a nurse) suggested I ask my pcp for a referral to mental health. Observing me for over twenty years, she thought I needed help and medication. I started seeing a psychiatrist, took stress relief classes, and went on antidepressants. They helped.

Got married, had a baby and severe post-partum depression. Back on meds. Had another baby and life was okay. The anxiety inevitably returned. This time I felt like my heart was "weak". Started going to the gym, drinking red wine, taking aspirin, and of course went to my pcp. They said I was fine. I was convinced I was going to have a heart attack any day. (Recently a friend of a friend had died of a massive heart attack. coincidence?)

Next my mother in law was diagnosed with esophageal cancer and eventually passed away. By this time I was in my mid thirties. Shortly after, I started feeling "something" in my throat. Went to pcp, ENT, and eventually a gastro who did the procedure where they put a tube down my throat. Everyone said I was fine. Marriage ended at this point.

Couple years later it was tingling and aching extremities. Had MRI, saw neurologist, nothing found wrong. Shortly after this I started dating and found a new partner (who I am still with)

Few years after that I had a MS scare (at the time I worked with someone with MS who was not doing well). Tingling, headaches, aching limbs, etc. Had another MRI, back to the neurologist, nerve conduction tests, etc. He diagnosed "Post-Viral Syndrome" or "Chronic Fatigue Syndrome". This scare ruined my life for a good 2-3 months. I was miserable and scared. Visited another forum "AZ" often. Started taking lots of meds...klonipin, zoloft, pamelor.

Started feeling better and eventually weaned myself off all meds. Last year a colleague started showing slurring words. Having HA, I immediately feared the worst for her. I watched her decline over the past nine months. Two weeks ago she announced the has ALS and left the job. I couldnt stop thinking about it. How she was going to deal with this. Then I started feeling like my arm was weak, my thumb cramped, dexterity in left hand failing... and the Genie was out yet again. So I have been miserable for the past two weeks. I am on meds, going to a therapist and psychiatrist, and visited the neurologist again. He did strength tests and said I was fine but will do Nerve conduction tests just to be sure. So I'm deep in the midst of the struggle again.

I can see my pattern but my logical mind seems to be losing this battle day by day. So here I am.

01-12-16, 23:53
Hiya emmegee and welcome to NMP :welcome:

Why not take a look at our articles on our home page, they contain a wealth of information and are a great starting place for your time on the forum.

I hope you find the as site helpful and informative as I have and that you get the help and support you need here and hope that you meet a few friends along the way :yesyes:

11-12-16, 17:51
Hi, I totally understand how you feel. I have suffered with anxiety for 6 years and it never goes away. In between attacks I am fine, rational and back to normal but when I have a day where the dizziness starts and I feel the panic coming on, I just want to scream. I'm 38, have two lovely kids and a great husband. What is wrong with me? Had a bad day today so feeling very low. My kids want to play a board game and I am lying on my bed terrified I am going to pass out. It's a horrible illness

14-12-16, 02:17
I have a similar background with specific times in life that Inhad issues, with periods in between that I was able to live care free.

When I was young, middle school, I had OCD. Big time lock checker and alarm clock. Also obsessed with parents dying and what would I do.

Late teens to mid 20's. Severe anxiety and social phobia, only comfortable at home and rarely went out with friends or went anywhere. This prevented me from attending college classes and holding down a traditional job- it was very depressing as I watched people move through their life and I was stuck

Early 30's an apparent major panic attack sent me to the hospital via ambulance. Convinced I was having a heart attack. Full work up and everything looked fine. Included holter monitor, blood work, ekg and stress test, -and echo.
Dealt with this period for a year or 2

Mid to late 30's similar to above, around child being born as well. Really worried about a heart attack and having a good amount of nocturnal panic attacks. Zoloft seemed to help but this still lasted 1-2 years.

Couple years of care free living until about 6 months ago. Baby on the way, someone I know well had a "widow maker" heart attack and I had been dealing with some chest pain which turns out was acid reflux. Anxiety ramped up and have occasional panic attacks at night again.

I have a suspicion once the baby comes and I settle back in to a routine again this will help.

But nocturnal panic attacks are the worst.

Now I worry, how long can someone live their life in a constant stress/anxiety state before something bad actually does happen?

14-12-16, 20:16
Hi, I totally understand how you feel. I have suffered with anxiety for 6 years and it never goes away. In between attacks I am fine, rational and back to normal but when I have a day where the dizziness starts and I feel the panic coming on, I just want to scream. I'm 38, have two lovely kids and a great husband. What is wrong with me? Had a bad day today so feeling very low. My kids want to play a board game and I am lying on my bed terrified I am going to pass out. It's a horrible illness

It really is horrible. To add to it, when I'm going through bad times, I feel like I am a terrible mom because I can't "keep it together" and just be "normal". I really wouldn't wish this on anyone.

---------- Post added at 15:16 ---------- Previous post was at 15:13 ----------

Now I worry, how long can someone live their life in a constant stress/anxiety state before something bad actually does happen?

I can empathize with your situation. I used to think these episodes were random and would stop someday. But I'm really seeing the pattern and am also frightened that I will have to go through this for the rest of my life! What is next?

14-12-16, 20:35
Hi emmegee! I'm a life long member to this rough journey also. Mine started when I was 8 and started thinking my parents would die. Followed by feeling like I couldn't swallow/throat closing up.

It got really bad when I was 18. 24 years on this journey. Been in therapy since 2008. On meds since 2001 and still fighting it.

My oldest child has started having anxiety issues and I feel SO guilty. Did I do this? Did I ruin her?

14-12-16, 20:46
Hi emmegee! I'm a life long member to this rough journey also. Mine started when I was 8 and started thinking my parents would die. Followed by feeling like I couldn't swallow/throat closing up.

It got really bad when I was 18. 24 years on this journey. Been in therapy since 2008. On meds since 2001 and still fighting it.

My oldest child has started having anxiety issues and I feel SO guilty. Did I do this? Did I ruin her?

So many similarities! My youngest child is a daughter and unfortunately she inherited my anxiety. Fortunately she does not exhibit health anxiety. but she does have GAD. It manifests with stomach aches for her and she had a really bad year a few years back. I took her to a counselor for a year to learn coping mechanisms. She is twelve now and doing well but every so often those stomach aches come back!

I feel like I am a better mom to her because I understand it. But I feel so guilty that I have done this to her!

14-12-16, 20:49
So many similarities! My youngest child is a daughter and unfortunately she inherited my anxiety. Fortunately she does not exhibit health anxiety. but she does have GAD. It manifests with stomach aches for her and she had a really bad year a few years back. I took her to a counselor for a year to learn coping mechanisms. She is twelve now and doing well but every so often those stomach aches come back!

I feel like I am a better mom to her because I understand it. But I feel so guilty that I have done this to her!

My oldest is 12 almost 13 and her anxiety is GAD too. I'm very glad she didn't get my medical anxiety! She's always super anxious when hubs and I are sick though poor girl.

She had a break down the other day because the oven was making a hissing sound when it was on. It's a gas oven and I tried to explain to her it was normal but she threw a fit so we ordered pizza instead .