View Full Version : thank you!

19-10-04, 12:52
i just wanted to say thank you to everyone on here... i am so pleased i found this site it has been so much help and given me the incentive to fight .
i went in the chat room for the first time on sat eve and everyone was really friendly... unfortunately my pc kept shutting down so i ended up disapearing with out saying good-bye so i hope nobody thought i was being rude.
i am off to see my counsellor this eve(not totally convinced she helps)but im feeling much more possitive about things since last week. last wednesday i nearly lost my partner he felt he could no longer cope with me like this... i somehow have managed to pull myself through this and manage my panic and fear a bit better. i know this will be a long hard fight but im ready to fight it with all i have and i know there will be good and bad days but thats better than bad and worse days!
we are going away on saturday which is a big step for me we are only going until wednesday as i felt this would be long enough and we are only going to devon but my aim is to go and enjoy it and cope with the panic and fear when it comes along.
rach :)

19-10-04, 13:47
Sorry its short but well done you!!

Love Minny...xxx

I have NOT failed!! Ive succeeded in finding 1000 solutions that dont work! :o)

19-10-04, 13:50
Well done Rach!

You're sounding so positive and have come so far - you should be proud :) Congratulations and hope you have a great time in Devon - i'm sure you'll be just fine.


19-10-04, 13:53
Hi Rach

Well done for having such a positive attitude. You are doing so well.

Don't worry about people thinking you were rude leaving the chat room without saying goodbye. People get kicked out all the time for one reason or another.

I hope you enjoy your holiday.


It is not easy to find happiness in ourselves, and it is not possible to find it elsewhere.

19-10-04, 14:19
Hi Rach ,

Excellent - have a good time in Devon.

I really like the good and bad , bad and worse days saying . So true !


It is impossible to get out of a problem by using the same kind of thinking that it took to get into it.
- Albert Einstein.

19-10-04, 14:27
well done rach you sound positive and focused on what you want
i find anxiety is like climbing a ladder some days you go up somedays you go down - sounds to me like you are on your way up
dave xx

19-10-04, 14:27
hi Rach,

Well done for having such a positive attitude - that's what you need to beat this!!

Good luck in Devon and have a brilliant time!!

Sarah :D

19-10-04, 14:30
Hi Rach

Well done you for such a great attitude and for coming so far [^][^] Keep up the good work girl!

Best wishes, Jo xxx

19-10-04, 15:47
Hi Rach

[Wow!] what a possitive attitude well done[^]

You will have a fab time in Devon.

Best wishes


Do it trebling if you must, but do it!

19-10-04, 15:55
Hi Rachel

Well done you for being so positive.
Have a lovely time in Devon, the break will do you good

Take care


19-10-04, 18:04
Hi Rach

Great that you are doing so well and even going on holiday too.

How are things with the partner now - has it all calmed down?

Have a fab holiday won't you?


19-10-04, 19:27
thank you for all the replys ...
it is really nice to know people care and that we are not on our own.
i am looking forward to the week-end and a little bit worried too but sure it will be just fine.
yes things have calmed down with my partner... it is not perfect but he is trying to understand about ocd and panic ... and i have stepped back a bit and realised (again through this site) that it is not always easy on your partner/family so trying to give him a bit of space too...
think getting away will do us all good