View Full Version : ladies question

07-04-07, 14:41

i just wanted to ask.....
today ive noticed random pain that goes as quick as it comes around my -where i imagine my ovarie is. i thought it might be apenticitis, but from what ive read its different to what this is. im due in about 3 days and ive just started my suger pills. i dont recall having this happen in the last months..so i just wanted to know if anyone else gets this, and if its normal. since being on the pill, my general period pain has almost gone, but now this weird pain. i got it like about 6 times today,not agony pain...any ideas while im trying to remain calm about this and convince myself its normal. im starting to go through a cervical c fear in general lately after reading about the symptoms and realising its similar to my ibs symptoms.( had ibs for about 6 yrs)

07-04-07, 15:28
Stay calm :) While it's probably nothing, I did get similar symptoms with ovarian cysts. They're not that big of a deal usually. Most of the time you don't even have to do anything about them. Just mention it to your doctor so you can have it checked out. Although it's not usually the case, I had to have my cysts removed, but even that was a super simple outpatient surgery. Healed very quick and easy.

Again, it's probably nothing. Take care! Feel free to ask any questions.

07-04-07, 16:22
oh god,
not what i wanted to hear, now im freaking out a bit. i just googled it, and of course, this can be cancerous.
i dont know how im going to cope. ive gone through so much in the last two years, i dont think i cna cope with this on top.
i appreciate your honesty tho.

i had a papsmear only 1 year ago and my doc felt my ovaries and said they were totally fine. now this...

07-04-07, 16:34
Peach try not to panic,I have suffered from pains in my right side for over 20 years or more and havent had an operation.So many illnesses have similar sort of pains.I have an irratable bowel and my pain is always down by the appendix area.My anxiety sets it off as well.You could get some pain when ovulating as well.Googling will make this much worse.Iv been there and done that,but I got myself out of it.If you are not happy see your gp for peace of mind.:hugs:

07-04-07, 16:38
Please try to stay calm. There's no reason to jump to any conclusions. I didn't mean to plant a seed. I could be anything or nothing. Ovarian cysts are very much everyday occurances. You can google worst case senarios about anything. I know, I do it, too.

Trust me on this. You don't know that you even have one. If you do, chances are that it's the most common, no frills sort. The ones I had were rarer, and had solid matter. As health anx as I am, my doc told me the long odds of o. cancer, and I hardly worried at all. Really. I've had a few cysts and never a problem.

Sorry to have worried you more.

07-04-07, 16:39
Hi Peach,

Since you had a normal smear last year, the chances of cervical c are next to nothing. I wouldn't jump to conclusions about this random pain you are getting... It is probably nothing... I would watch and wait and then if it persists or gets worse, see your gyno. It could be muscular or gas or any number of things! Don't worry... You are fine :)

By the way, a doctor once told me, pain that lasts less than 3 seconds is not considered to have a biological cause!


07-04-07, 23:06
thanks for all your advice. i will watch and wait. now ive come to accept if it is cysts, well,i have to just deal with it. even if it does turn out to be really bad. im just a bit tender at the moment...its been an awful two years for me, so im going through the-when will i get a break from problems? even just for a few months.things can always get worse, and i need to accept my lot.
thank you again for your time on this, and your advice.apoligies for my wimpyness.

08-04-07, 00:10

Don't apologise for wimpyness! When in the company of wimps, wimpyness is the norm :) I get the same way.

I've had a couple of years of hell, too. So I understand that feeling of "when will I get a pass for a while?!" It's hard to feel like a punching bag. But I do remain optimistic that both of us will get a break and start feeling better.

Take care!

08-04-07, 11:42
heres to that reemy!