View Full Version : Dents In My Head

03-12-16, 01:50
I don't know if I'm just being paranoid or if there really is something wrong with me. A couple weeks ago, I started to get this weird tingling feeling, almost like numbness, on the top of my scalp but only on the right side of my head. It stopped for the most part, but occasionally I'll still get this feeling. I think the next weekend, I had one migraine, and then another one a few days later in the week following. Now recently, a few nights ago, I started having these weird sharp pains on the top of my head. They would last a couple seconds and then go away. The day after, I was feeling my head and noticed 2 dents on the top of my head where I was feeling the sharp pains. They're located towards the back of my head on the top on my parietal bone and they're symmetrical, meaning 1 on both sides of the center of my skull. I don't remember these being here at all, and they're kinda tender to the touch. I'm really worried maybe something is happening to my skull. Are these dents normal? Are these just things I never noticed on my head before and I'm just being paranoid? Also something to note is that before this all started, I was having anxiety over something else that was going on. Could this all just be anxiety induced? Are even any of these symptoms even related? Please if anyone knows anything, I would love to hear an opinion.

03-12-16, 01:57
It's just the natural shape of your skull.

Positive thoughts