View Full Version : Anyone had a breast hard lump like a pea?

03-12-16, 12:16
Ladies anyone felt a hard roundish lump in their breast that turned out to be a cyst?

Worried as I have found a round, firm lump and I'm scared:(

03-12-16, 12:17
Could just be breast tissue. But of course any lump should be checked out. X

03-12-16, 13:59
Hey, I have one yes. Just as you described and bout the size of a pea. My dr did an examination and said feels normal to here just normal tissue and to come back in a month if I am still worried or if it's changes etc. It seemed to shrink a bit actually then I felt it back again this morning. Think it comes and goes with monthly cycle. Always get it checked out though to be safe x

03-12-16, 15:44
Certainly get it checked and don't be alarmed if they refer you.
A few years ago I had a pea type lump, very hard but moveable in my right armpit. Dr didn't refer me as she was certain it was normal (can't remember the name of it)
I've been referred twice this year for other lumps, first one was a cyst, second was lumpy tissue.
7 out of 8 lumps are benign. Easy for me to say because I'm petrified of BC but the chest muscle can also feel very pea - like and bumpy.
Try not to worry xx

03-12-16, 17:02
Thank you I feel a little better, trouble is I've been googling and some sites say irregular hard lump is bad and others say round hard lump!
I thought smooth round was good...

I had a clinical breast check three months ago by a breast surgeon and he didn't mention anything...

I've had three visits to BC and been diagnosed with cysts each time

Massive worrier
03-12-16, 20:55
Yes, I have what sounds to be similar to this. I was told that mine were sebaceous cysts.

04-12-16, 10:26
Can I just add my period is due in 4 days, is there a chance it's a cyst and it may go down?

04-12-16, 11:55
Can I just add my period is due in 4 days, is there a chance it's a cyst and it may go down?

10 days before I'm due I get a very prominent, quite large lump in my left boob. I've been told it's entirely normal for this to happen when you're due. It should go down shortly after you turn.

04-12-16, 12:09
Thank you I'm just worried as it feels quite firm. Is there a chance it could be a cyst can the feel firm? Anyone?

I've had four years of this worry and usually just before Christmas I can't take anymore my life is a misery everyday because of BC fear. Now this lump and more tests that I'm paying privately for as I'm petrified of a large hospital setting!

04-12-16, 12:23
I've no idea in regards to a cyst but mine is firm and not movable. Mine goes down after I've turned though.

06-12-16, 21:07
None of us are doctors and ANY breast lump needs to be checked by a medial professional xx

06-12-16, 21:12

I can offer some insight as I had a BC worry last year. Being a smaller breasted lady my breasts are lumpy! Well, only when I had a proper dig which isn't what is advised. I felt loads of 'peas' which turned out to be my nodes. It's always advised to have anything checked out by a GP though :D

I'm sure as a grown woman you know how to check your breasts but there are sites all around which show the correct way and not the digging for truffles type I was doing! :blush:

06-12-16, 22:29
I have a lump that I just had biopsied. It came back as scar tissue. It feels like a moveable, round , firm lump.

Catherine S
07-12-16, 00:41
Lily, I can see that you've been a member here since 2013, so why are you still googling symptoms? You must know by now that it's a bit of a no go area on the forum. So to you and all those members who still Google and then come back and tell us what Google has said, on behalf of all the members that are really tired of hearing it....STOP GOOGLING!

You've been told you have cysts on three separate occasions? And you've had the breast cancer fear for 4 years? Time to stop Lily and live your life. Take care.


Sorry forgot to mention that although I've never had a pea-like breast lump, my daughter has, just last year at age 28 and yes it was an anxious wait for results. ..without googling...and was told it was a cyst. She fortunately believed the test result and went on with her life.

07-12-16, 00:52
Thank you for your answers.

I have an appointment to see a specialist in January about the lump. It is bad to google I know but again it's for reassurance like it is coming on here to ask if anyone has something similar.

I have had cysts in the past so I'm hoping this is a cyst but it may be different this time. Hoping for a good outcome.

07-12-16, 05:13
Hi Lily, it could be a cyst but you need to see a doctor to get it checked out properly. Chances are it's nothing to worry about but any breast lumps or abnormalities should be looked at straight away. Do you have family history or risk factors for BC that are causing you to worry?

22-12-16, 13:56

No family history of BC.
The reason I worry is on three occasions I've found areas of concern in my breasts and have had to go to have mammograms.
With each mammogram my fear rises as I'm now convinced the radiation is going to cause a cancer so I'm obsessively checking hence finding another lump.

22-12-16, 16:41
The lump I had biopsied was round, smooth, VERY firm, and movable. It was benign scar tissue.