View Full Version : Twitching & Jerking

03-12-16, 15:55
I have started twitching and getting jerky movements, moving from one spot on my body to another. Anyone else had this with anxiety? Originally I was worried about a brain tumour due to my vision disturbances but ive had 2 clear ct scans and a clear mri with contrast. Fears moved to vCJD with this twitching & jerking and tremor. Would that have shown in mri if I had that?

03-12-16, 16:54
If you search the forum, you will see that twitching & jerking is a very common symptom of anxiety.
It's the first symptom I got, after a period of enormous stress! And it gave me huge fear of ALS which then actually started my anxiety.
It lasted for about a year. I still have it now and then. The moment I get upset or angry about anything I start twitching, or my foot will jerk out. It's perfectly normal. It's your nervous system that's overloaded.

03-12-16, 19:44
I think whats worry me is the rate of them and the power, I literally have one pop off in some random spot every other second.

03-12-16, 19:46
Yeah, same here. They were all day every day. All over my body. Sometimes a bunch of muscles would twitch, sometimes a part of my body would jerk. It felt like my brain was misfiring all the time!
But trust me, it goes away with the anxiety.

Would like to add when I say sometimes, I mean that it would alternate. But I don't think a minute of the day went by without me having a moving muscle somewhere.

03-12-16, 20:08
I have to admit I've had twitching before and also the sleep start jerks but never to this degree and not ever jerked while awake before now. I guess the clear mri should tell me its not actual disease. Such an awful symptom to have its driving me nutty at the moment

03-12-16, 20:16
Yeah, I know. As much as I thought if it was something worse I would've noticed it, for months I still had big doubt whether this could just be anxiety.
But I'm 1,5 years past it starting now, and it's mostly gone. Except for when I'm particularly stressed, then it comes back. So trust that it's just anxiety.