View Full Version : Feeling like something is brewing!

chatty girl
03-12-16, 17:19
I've been doing so well with my health anxiety lately, after seeing the gastric specialist I've accepted I have ibs and following the fodmap diet really helps me however, after being silly and drinking to much wine and eating afew bad bits my tummy has been bad the last few days. Nearly back.on track now but the tummy pains and diarrhoea set my thoughts off again.

To make matters worse I've just been to the loo and saw a small amount of fresh blood on my panty liner. Now I'm pretty confident it came from a spot on my other nether region but its just stoked the fires even more!

I feel like I'm just waiting for something else to happen.

Sorry for the details but I know you all understand.


03-12-16, 18:14
You know full well this is all about the price you're paying for being "silly" ;) Get back on track with your nutrition/FODMAP diet and allow things to calm down.

Positive thoughts