View Full Version : Anxiety increased after smoking

03-12-16, 20:04

I have given up smoking 3 times and the same thing happens everytime, I find it quite easy for the first 4-5 weeks and it goes really well, then BOOM, my anxiety goes into overload and then I go back on the fags. However, this time I am determined to stay off them, (even though I'm really srtuggling)

My partner is my rock and is also an ex smoker, if it wasn't for him, I would have been outside puffing away. I know it's not the answer as it will only increase my anxiety long term and masks the symptons. I gave up as I hadn't suffered with Anxiety for around 2 years so this has hit me hard. I have been on patches. I know the side effects can be increased anxiety and lack of sleep, (Im tripping over my eyelids)!!!

Has anyone else experienced this?

Positive thoughts and words please, I'm going to kick this :whistles:

03-12-16, 20:22
Yea, my mum, but she didn't make it and died when I was 16, from a smoke-related disease. Don't let it happen to you, and your family. Keep at it!!! It'll soon get easier, it's not an eternal struggle, it'll get better! You can make it! Take one half hour at a time.