View Full Version : ear fluttering

04-12-16, 00:26
For quite a while i have had odd occasions in which my ear sounds as though its fluttering. I do have waxy ears in general.

I worry because my friend said her moms freind had ear problems (along with headaches) and turned out to be a brain tumor.

I read before it could be muscle spasm, build of wax but Dan said he doesn't get it so now I'm freaking out.

---------- Post added 04-12-16 at 00:26 ---------- Previous post was 03-12-16 at 21:52 ----------


04-12-16, 00:32
what does Rhb mean

Catherine S
04-12-16, 00:38
...and who is Dan....

04-12-16, 00:59
the boyfriend left alone in south Korea unless I've missed something

Catherine S
04-12-16, 01:10
Ah, ok..thank you Bruce. Well Helen, I would say before you jump straight to brain tumour, I'd suggest looking into the ear wax theory first.


04-12-16, 01:20
don't take my word for it isb, as far as I can gather helen has left south Korea alone to attend a UK wedding then us going back to Dan tomorrow to resume her Tefl course in south korea

Catherine S
04-12-16, 01:28
Ahh yes well, that would explain the ear problem then...all that long haul flying :unsure:


04-12-16, 12:18
I haven't flew for a month now, this has happened before and after.

Gary A
04-12-16, 14:47
All you do is worry, freak out and talk about yourself.

Genuine question, but how self centred are you? Like, really? Me me me me me. That's you in a nutshell.

For the love of all that is holy, think of someone else other than yourself for a change.

04-12-16, 22:38
All you do is worry, freak out and talk about yourself.

Genuine question, but how self centred are you? Like, really? Me me me me me. That's you in a nutshell.

For the love of all that is holy, think of someone else other than yourself for a change.

Gary, I'm sorry, but what's the point in saying all this, over, and over, and over again...?

Gary A
04-12-16, 22:52
Gary, I'm sorry, but what's the point in saying all this, over, and over, and over again...?

Frustration gets the best of me.

Yip, it's utterly pointless and I don't for one moment expect to change anything, frustration just gets the best of me and I just have to say something.

It's a failing on my part, I guess, but that's genuinely how I feel. I've never been very good at keeping my opinions to myself.

04-12-16, 23:06
I`m right with you on this gary I`m afraid, I`ve been pulled up countless times in the past but I`m always thinking `this could be the one that does the trick` and you always end up either getting told off by the general population or admin.
it`s a double edged sword, you offer what you think is good advice or a gentle bit of guidance and sometimes it works, sometimes it gets thrown back at you,
I`m not good at ignoring things either so I`d just say keep trying, I think it was the almighty bruce lee who said the best way to break a mighty rock is the continuous gentle trickle of water. so lets keep those drips going, one day it might just have an effect. as long as it doesn`t damage us in the process.

Gary A
04-12-16, 23:12
I`m right with you on this gary I`m afraid, I`ve been pulled up countless times in the past but I`m always thinking `this could be the one that does the trick` and you always end up either getting told off by the general population or admin.
it`s a double edged sword, you offer what you think is good advice or a gentle bit of guidance and sometimes it works, sometimes it gets thrown back at you,
I`m not good at ignoring things either so I`d just say keep trying, I think it was the almighty bruce lee who said the best way to break a mighty rock is the continuous gentle trickle of water. so lets keep those drips going, one day it might just have an effect. as long as it doesn`t damage us in the process.

I did think I could make a difference a while ago, but I no longer feel this way. Largely because I think this person doesn't actually want help, but that's my opinion only.

Now, I guess I've just got a low tolerance for self-centred incredibly selfish people and I feel like I need to say something. It really doesn't damage me other than a bit of annoyance.

04-12-16, 23:18
Fair dos, I'm not having a go, I'm just starting to feel the compulsion to keep posting these threads comes from an unhealthy place where the inevitable Groundhog Day of how these go, tetchiness and insults included, is now just as much part of the compulsion than the reassurance is. And yes, for my part, this squabbling between ourselves about how to handle these is part of that too.

04-12-16, 23:20
my opinion too, i have several reservations about an awful lot of the recent situations but anyone can post on here and until you can prove otherwise you have to take them on face value,
stick to your snooker and beer and trying to help people where you can, I`m afraid there are a lot of people on here playing silly badgers and just trying to get people engaged in some way
anyway I`m up for work early tomorrow so take care pal and try not to let anyone on here pull your strings too much

04-12-16, 23:22
To be honest it's time for a break, I feel more anxious on this forum than off it at the moment, and I'm sure that's not the idea.

04-12-16, 23:39
agreed. I search recent topics to see who I can help and end up feeling like I'm being mocked.
time to take a back seat again.
hope everyone has a good week take care

05-12-16, 05:01
I`m right with you on this gary I`m afraid, I`ve been pulled up countless times in the past but I`m always thinking `this could be the one that does the trick` and you always end up either getting told off by the general population or admin.
it`s a double edged sword, you offer what you think is good advice or a gentle bit of guidance and sometimes it works, sometimes it gets thrown back at you,
I`m not good at ignoring things either so I`d just say keep trying, I think it was the almighty bruce lee who said the best way to break a mighty rock is the continuous gentle trickle of water. so lets keep those drips going, one day it might just have an effect. as long as it doesn`t damage us in the process.

my opinion too, i have several reservations about an awful lot of the recent situations but anyone can post on here and until you can prove otherwise you have to take them on face value,
stick to your snooker and beer and trying to help people where you can, I`m afraid there are a lot of people on here playing silly badgers and just trying to get people engaged in some way
anyway I`m up for work early tomorrow so take care pal and try not to let anyone on here pull your strings too much

I don't think that's the case. A few people may say something, I know others who are too afraid too but feel that way and I expect their will be others on the other side of the argument too afraid too as well. It's not getting "pulled up" in the sense that someone with a greater status could be, it's an equal member saying what they feel. If you have put your argument across, they can do too.

Admin do it because it's their role, they are telling people to follow the forum rules. If they pull people up, argue your case with them as they request or you have to just accept it. I've had my run ins with Admin and disagree with some of their decisions but what can you do? Sometimes you just have to accept it and walk away.

There is nothing new in what we are seeing here. Gary has been on here long enough to be able to point to a few members who have created the same issues on the HA forum (it's seldom any other board). I can too, it's been happening since I joined. And the arguments between forum members don't come from the frustration with the OP, they come from the differing views of the members arguing with each other. We can differ on our views of anxiety, respect, etc so this will always happen but when it's a more repetitive poster, you get situations like this.

As said above, the issue is not just the OP's, it is the rest of us too. We can't prevent posting, someone new will always come along and not be aware of any collective strategy by the forum. Some believe everything you say is enabling, others believe it is engaging to encourage them into more helpful directions, some may think something else. If we all had the same opinions, I don't think this forum would be anywhere near as good anyway with everything agreeing with everything as when do we ever learn anything of each other? I've learnt loads off people on here which I'm very grateful for.