View Full Version : Really worried

03-12-16, 23:16
So I've started taking citalopram and been on it for three weeks coming up. I have noticed a better side to myself and do believe they are working. I found out today that my dad has emphysema and am now worried sick that he will die shortly. He finds out on Monday what stage he is. Just like I'm scared of death, I'm also scared of people I love dying.

Hopefully someone can understand where I'm coming from

04-12-16, 00:27
*Hugs* :( sorry to hear about your dad. Just because he has that, it doesn't mean death is imminent.

Even when I'm on citalopram, I can still have bad weeks. Citalopram helps over months in the long term, but it can't absorb the shocks that happen in life. It can make them easier - more bearable - to deal with. However it can't take away all the pain. It's normal to be upset and worried over something like hearing your dad is unwell - but it's not healthy to think too much about his dying if you haven't heard from doctors that this is a possibility.

Keep hope. Hope helps. xx