View Full Version : Anxietys Gone But Depression Remains?

07-04-07, 18:36
I suffered from anxiety for years and its just started to lift this year, Infact I don't have any panic attacks anymore or the silly thoughts I used to get with anxiety, infact I feel great apart from the depression.

My counsilor says this is not true depression but more a bad case of being fed up, which I believe to be true as when I'm at work I feel fine, I have friends at work and everythings great.

Its the weekends, I feel bad, and its even worse now I'm off a week for easter holidays, I've lost interest in things I used to enjoy, and simply don't enjoy anything anymore, I've got no friends (apart from my wife) which I think may be part of the problem also.

Is the depression the last thing to lift with anxiety? I've had it a good 10 years, so I suppose its only natural i'm fed up.
Any advice much appreciated:shrug:

07-04-07, 18:48
Hi Sam, it's strange that depression and anxiety seem to go hand in hand. IN my experience the depression lifts and the anxiety takes a long time to follow. Then again everyone is different. Try to get out and about with some light exercise, but get loads of rest as well and the depression should lift. Are you on any meds?

07-04-07, 18:59
Hi Sam, it's strange that depression and anxiety seem to go hand in hand. IN my experience the depression lifts and the anxiety takes a long time to follow. Then again everyone is different. Try to get out and about with some light exercise, but get loads of rest as well and the depression should lift. Are you on any meds?

Have never been on any meds, and I don't intend to, I don't like the things. Its odd that I had anxiety for 10 or so years and never had depression, its just started in the summer past. Odd I know but it started shortly after my wife was found to be pregnant with our 2nd child

07-04-07, 19:13
Hi Sam,
everyone is different. It has definately been my experience that the anx went first then the depression. I reckon my anx was a symptom of my depression. I still have some things that make me anx, but not so that it is debilitating, or not as much as it did.
I however too kmeds.

17-04-07, 04:13
My friend finding effective therapeutic options for patients with difficult-to-treat, or treatment-resistant, depression remains a significant challenge. yet encouraging progress with two nonpharmacologic treatment options—vagus nerve stimulation (vNS) and transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS)—may soon offer more choices of safe and effective treatments that represent substantial improvements over traditional electroconvulsive therapy and/or polypharmacy.