View Full Version : Really Struggling Today

04-12-16, 14:23
Morning All,

I just have to tell someone that I'm really struggling with my anxiety today. I've been having pelvic pain for about a month and I just found out that I have to wait 3 weeks to see the doctor. I'm so frustrated and discouraged and my mind just keeps going to the idea that I must have a fatal disease like ovarian cancer. I know deep down that it's probably something much simpler, but I just can't bring myself to accept that. I keep envisioning that I'll be diagnosed with terminal cancer and leave my family behind.

I'm so lost and have no idea how I'm going to get through the next few weeks without going crazy. Any advice is appreciated as this is consuming my life. Thanks for letting me rant. :blush:

04-12-16, 14:31
I was getting lower right abdominal pain for around the same time and my GP simply said "Ovarian Cancer doesn't present in this way". I still get it, but it isn't constant. I was also told us women can get a lot of pains around there due to the fact we're women.

04-12-16, 18:47
Which app do you use?

04-12-16, 19:38
Thanks for all the kind words, they really do help me feel like someone really understands what I'm going through. Do you have the name of the CBT app that tou'd be eilling to share?