View Full Version : Can anxiety do this + scared of waiting !

04-12-16, 17:06
Lately I've been hearing crackling in my chest when breathing, I'm unmotivated to do anything but sit down and cry (been like this for a while) I've also been experiencing muscle twitches a lot, even felt my stomach twitch! Another thing to add is that I always have this feeling in my body that I can't describe very well but is kind of like a nothingness or a deadness? and it's constant! Anyone else experiencing that ? Quick mention that yesterday I was experiencing some pains whilst breathing completely out (exhale) it was mild and in my heart. Can these symptoms be associated with bad anxiety?

About the waiting, i saw a therapist the other day and they told me not to come back and referred me to a higher up service and I dunno what to expect ! Anyone been to a service like this ?

Please reply !! Thanks

05-12-16, 09:58
Welcome to my life, I have had this exactly lately, and many years ago also. I have had times where I feel like an old man, and other times like I'm twenty and fit as a fiddle. It comes and goes over the years with my anxiety.

Lately I've been hearing crackling in my chest when breathing, I'm unmotivated to do anything but sit down and cry (been like this for a while) I've also been experiencing muscle twitches a lot, even felt my stomach twitch! Another thing to add is that I always have this feeling in my body that I can't describe very well but is kind of like a nothingness or a deadness? and it's constant! Anyone else experiencing that ? Quick mention that yesterday I was experiencing some pains whilst breathing completely out (exhale) it was mild and in my heart. Can these symptoms be associated with bad anxiety?

About the waiting, i saw a therapist the other day and they told me not to come back and referred me to a higher up service and I dunno what to expect ! Anyone been to a service like this ?

Please reply !! Thanks