View Full Version : 17 years and counting

04-12-16, 18:43
Hi all
I'm Sam, I'm 32 and living in South Wales......ive been suffering with panic attacks since I was 15 years old but they have recently come back the last few years since I started suffering from labyrinthitis - its not helped that they both trigger each other and make each other worse.

Also not helped by the fact I am full of cold and having palpitations at the minute - joy!

Anyway like I said I have suffered with anxiety since I was 15, I was given propanalol which I never took, and then temazipan which I took one dose of and it knocked me.out for over 14 hours and my mum asked me not to take it again.
My list of symptoms for my attacks has varied over the years - I started as the horrible body tremors, palpitations, nausea, dry throat and feeling of dread....it then got manageable for a long time but recently has come back as dizziness, heaviness in my limbs, hyperventilating, dry mouth etc ---- either way all the symptoms are no fun - ever!
I can manage on breathing techniques and distraction techniques and have found that caffeine, cheese and fizzy drinks makes my dizziness worse and thus makes my panic attacks worse so I tried to avoid them.

Id love to meet some like minded people and possibly find some like minded penpals too.


04-12-16, 18:46
Hi, sorry you've dealt with this for so long.

I've always been a shy person but never really anxious until I developed panic attacks which then went to full blown health anxiety and then social anxiety etc.

Propranolol completely eradicated my panic attacks and although I've still anxiety, i haven't had panic attacks since I first took Propranolol, which was less than a week after they first developed (I don't take it anymore).

04-12-16, 18:51
Hiya skippy1707 and welcome to NMP :welcome:

Why not take a look at our articles on our home page, they contain a wealth of information and are a great starting place for your time on the forum.

I hope you find the as site helpful and informative as I have and that you get the help and support you need here and hope that you meet a few friends along the way :yesyes:

05-12-16, 08:35
hi im sorry your not feeling well ,im from s wales myself but ive been living in scotland for 36 years if you need a chat please pm me take care sue

Catherine S
05-12-16, 12:38
Hi Sam,

It's great to hear you've been managing your anxiety and panic with just your own willpower, Ive been there and it can be exhausting can't it? But if you ever do decide to ask for help invthe way of meds, I have to agree with Keekee about the propranolol, you might have had a whole different experience if you'd taken them way back instead of a tranquiliser...and i can understand your feelings about this type of drug, they have their place but not for everyone.

Propranolol is one of the beta blockers which, although it calms you down, it's not a mind altering drug. All it does is stop too much drenaline from bombing around your system causing all the unpleasant anxiety symptoms, racing heart and erratic heartbeats, shaking etc. Propranolol is just one and I took it for some years to treat high blood pressure and migraines, before changing to another called Bisoprolol last year. The bonus is they have taken away the awful dropped heartbeats and flutters I've suffered with for many years. They work their magic every day for me, but they can also be taken as and when needed if you prefer. Your doctor or nurse practitioner would advise on dosage etc. Worth a try i'd say Sam.