View Full Version : Headache worse on one side??

04-12-16, 20:34
My headaches seem to often be worse on one side of my forehead. Sometimes it's the right side, sometimes the left.

So i read this is a migraine symptom? I was thinking i had just a tension headaches as i don't vomit or feel too nauseous.

Im kinda confused now, how do i tell migraine and tension headache apart?
The headaches usually start during the day and get a bit worse as the day progresses. In the morning i don't have a bad headache.

05-12-16, 21:49
Tension headaches will do this. I asked my PT about it and she said it's common. Most of my tension headaches are on one side. Knock on wood, I've never had a migraine.

06-12-16, 16:10
Ah thank you! I didn't know that. Seeing my doctor tomorrow, hope it's just tension and nothing serious