View Full Version : My colly is wobbly...

07-04-07, 18:54
I think this is the right department.......sorry if it isn't!

OK, we leave Plymouth tomorrow to go to Gatwick and stay overnight. Our flight is early Monday morning........and GG's colly is a just a bit wobbly.:ohmy:

My tummy has been doing flip-flops all week and the mornings have not been very nice at all. I've only ever used Exeter or Bristol airports, which are minute in comparison, and was very overawed by Heathrow when I saw my daughter off to Australia two years ago.

I've had some good advice and great support, as I did last time,(thank you,:hugs:you know who you are! ) but have still rushed out to buy some Rescue Remedy today !!

I've never taken it before and on reading the instructions, it doesn't say how often you can take it. Is one 20ml bottle going to be enough?? After all, in order to come home I have to do it all again in a week's time! I won't run out will I?

And I've found out there are crocodiles in the Nile!:ohmy: (if I fell in but didn't believe there were - would I be in de-nile??:huh:)

Sorry, I'm trying to joke to distract myself because I don't want to think about those aeroplane doors closing on me, leaving me feeling as though I've no control over what happens.....and then 6 long hours before we land.........

I'll do it though........I will........JFDI......I wonder if there's a Tesco in Luxor? (flippin' well hope not!)...and they won't use 'scan-it-yourself-checkouts' down the Kasbah so :huh: I promise I'll keep out of trouble.

Thinking of all on NMP helped me so much the last time I flew, I've got to believe it'll be the same this time.


07-04-07, 19:12
Oh GG, you do make me laugh!! Hope you have a great trip.

07-04-07, 21:35
hi gg

well done on the trip - Im off in 8 weeks yesterday and my tummy doing flips too.

I also use Rescue Remedy and dont think there is any maximum amount you can take. Have you seen the new Bach rescue Remedy pastilles they are just new out in a little round tin costs about £4.75 and you chew these. Not seen them in tesco but chemists have them.
Its just im not sure about the new restrictions to hand luggage contents with regard to fluids????

Have a bril time and enjoy and have fun


07-04-07, 22:53
Have a wonderful time and realise you are your own best friend and can give yourself whatever support you need, whenever you need it - just like you would if another friend felt the same.:yesyes:

You can sip water and/or add your rescue remedy to your water too, ok!

We expect some nice holiday snaps for the gallery on your return too! :D

Love Piglet :flowers:

07-04-07, 23:02

If the wind is blowing in the right direction you should do the trip in about 4 hours from Gatwick. Concentrate on the film if you can (even if its crap) and try talking to another passenger. Just think of all those wonderful things you're gonna see, the flight will be well worth it!!

Have a wonderful time and tell us all about it when you get home!

Kay x

08-04-07, 05:22
I hope you have a great trip! Since you take such a small amount of Rescue Remedy at one time, even if you take it frequently, I bet one bottle will be enough.

When I go on a long flight (or even a short one) I just remind myself to look at the flight attendants. If they don't look nervous, then I shouldn't feel nervous. They do it everyday and would know if anything felt off. It helps keep me calm.

If it doesn't bother you to write while on a plane, sometimes it's a good time to make journal notes. Or if you're feeling tense, write down what you would post here, sort of a rough draft to get it out of your system. Watch the film, listen to music, and bring some photos to browse through. Drink lots of water. I'm sure you'll have a great flight.

08-04-07, 07:41
Thanks all. :)!

If you don't hear from me in a week, I've probably been carted off to join the harem of a tall, tanned (and very rich of course!) oil Sheik......:yesyes: (in my dreams!)

.........in which case I won't want to be rescued !!:madness:

Take care :flowers:

08-04-07, 08:33
Have a great time and enjoy yourself