View Full Version : Blood in urine so worried

04-12-16, 21:58
Hi I'm so scared Im 40 I was having a few pressure type pains after peeing which woke me up felt uncomfortable I saw blood on tissue when I wiped so went to gp thinking it was a uti, no uti was found so sample sent off to hospital for testing still no uti but blood was again found in sample. I was called and asked to come in to check again blood present again no infection although I can no longer see it.
My gp has now referred me to hospital to see a uroligist via 2 week fast track now I'm really scared I have bladder cancer not sure what else it could be I already have a health anxiety and am thinking the worst feeling like I need to speak to someone who maybe has been through it my family and friends all say no not happened to them but are sympathetic. I need reassuring.
Thankyou and sorry for long post.

04-12-16, 22:27
Did they mention kidney stones? It could have been that.

04-12-16, 22:39
No wasn't mentioned nothing else was mentioned was just could be many things but I need to refer you. Thankyou for reply

04-12-16, 22:54
I had an urgent 2 week referral recently and had a CT scan and cystoscopy and kidney stones were found and nothing more sinister.

That is why I mentioned it so it could be something like that.

04-12-16, 23:27
OK did you have pain with that I have no pain I did read kidney stones are painful... stupid Google wish I never.

04-12-16, 23:29
I did have groin pain yeah but they treated me for a UTI but that took 2 lots of anti-biotics to clear. I still have the kidney stones - they are just keeping an eye on them.

05-12-16, 14:38
Me too kelly. I went to drs the other week and i had blood in my urine, no infection so i got referred too. I have a scan on wednesday and a cystoscopy the week after.

05-12-16, 17:20
I'm wondering how common this is and how many people go after being fast tracked to find out its nothing.
I would be interested in hearing your result I'm sure it will be fine.

05-12-16, 17:24
I am petrified too kelly06. Google doesn't help either but i still do it and scare myself.

05-12-16, 17:54
I know I keep getting told off for it but it's reassurance I need got kids too so this is the last thing I need.

06-12-16, 18:03
I just went though this a couple of weeks ago. Had blood and leukocytes in urine. Was treated for infection and I went privately to uro who did US scan and cystoscopy. Dont worry about cysto, its no trouble at all. Very quick no pain, little discomfort initially but no worse than smear test. I had ecoli in my culture, but it didnt show up until they did a lab culture. I had same 3 months ago but it didnt show any infection at all but presumably must have been to do withthis last infection but just didnt show. Good luck I am sure all will be ok.

06-12-16, 19:05
Hospital lab test come back no uti that's why I'm so scared been reading around here a bit and seems a few of us have similar symptons thankyou for your reply

06-12-16, 19:16
Yes me too kelly06 that's why i am worried because no uti.

07-12-16, 14:58
I have had my ultrasound today of kidneys and bladder and nothing untoward seen.

07-12-16, 15:34
That's really good is your mind at rest now hope I get a good result too.

07-12-16, 15:43
Yes but still have to have cystoscopy next week but glad ultrasound was ok.