View Full Version : This is probably ridiculous..

04-12-16, 23:35
So today i lost my wallet, when i went to go back it was gone, it had my driving license/money in and some very sentimental things that i liked to carry on me. And now i keep panicking and feeling really anxious about someone using my identity or something like that. The police/bank has been notified and it's all sorted but i still can't help but feel panic :(

04-12-16, 23:56
Its not ridiculous. I'd be exactly the same and especially as you've lost the sentimental items. With any luck some honest person might be in the process of handing it in. Make sure you contact the dvla about the driving licence as well.

05-12-16, 16:25
Yeah i notified them this morning and they're sending me a new one thank goodness. Also thank you, i wasn't sure if i was just being silly because both the police and everyone sort of acted as if it was "Just another day at the office" kind of thing, which i know it's not a serious thing or whatever but it still made me feel stupid.

05-12-16, 16:48
Don't feel stupid, I would feel exactly the same, i panic whenever I lose things, I hate losing personal items . Like Humly said hopefully it will be handed in, I'm sure the police didn't think you were being silly either.

05-12-16, 16:53
You were probably the fourth one that day!

It will take more than a wallet for someone to use your identity.

Don't panic. Happens to everyone at some point.

05-12-16, 20:21
I've had my wallet stolen twice thus far, back in the 1990's. It's only natural to panic when it happens, especially today. If there is a service you can subscribe to, that will inform you if someone takes out a loan in your name, you can subscribe to it. (I have this.) But it doesn't take stealing a driver's license to steal someone's identity, you can buy fake ones cheap over the internet, someone told me this happened to him.