View Full Version : Can anxiety cause a tighten throat

05-12-16, 11:26
Something started yesterday. A common cold maybe but today I dont have a sore throat. But I feel something is tight; under the Adams apple. Something that ocasionally cause a cough. Can this be caused by anxiety. I mean; it also felt worse when I was thinking about the moment where the family may get devastating news about the results fram my relative`s CT scanning. Please help out!

05-12-16, 12:24
Anxiety causes lots of weird and wonderful throat sensations. And if you're coming down with a cold that will add to it.

Sorry you are stressed right now. When family is unwell it can really take a toll on your anxiety. Be kind to yourself. :hugs:

05-12-16, 12:49
Can anxiety cause a tight throat?

Absolutely! (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/articles/symptoms#Throat_tighteningChokingSwallowing_proble ms)

Positive thoughts

05-12-16, 12:57
yes - this was my main anxiety symptom for a long time... its a "classic"!

05-12-16, 14:12
yes - this was my main anxiety symptom for a long time... its a "classic"!

^ This. It's very common. It is always worth reading the symptoms to check it out and use it to counter evidence your thoughts.

It may also be the cold though or even a bit of both.

05-12-16, 15:46
Getting a cold is the worst because you get actual symptoms of a real problem and not imaginary ones.

If you focus/dwell on one of the symptoms for long enough it will seem 10x worse than it actually is.

05-12-16, 16:40
It is. It happened to me, just had to ignore it.

05-12-16, 17:26
Happened to me. I walked to my first therapy session choking on the side of the road. Once I knew what it was, it stopped bothering me. Went away in the end. Still appears a little if I feel anxious about something, but I don't really care.

05-12-16, 17:50
Not caring is the best thing to do if you can