View Full Version : Struggling to Get My Life Back

07-04-07, 19:19
Hello my birth name is Edy (pronounced Edie). I have a happy spirit. I was injured when I was pregnant---22 years ago and the end result is an aquired brain injury. That injury has denitely impacted my life. I have been on temporary disability and able to work part-time.

The blessing of this injury is that my intuitive and gut sense is strong and I have had many, many miracles. Yet, I have a serious condition of disassociating from my body.

I had made a mistake in my 20's. I am now 51. I left my ex-husband after 4 years. The entire time I was beat up on a daily basis. The brain injury is a result of this marriage. I also have the bi-polar symptoms from a lot of hits to my head.

I worked with many, many alternative healers. I tried western medication yet, I was determined to find the cause and allow the symptoms to be eliminated. I did not succeed at that and it took me a long time to accept that I had to use medication.

After many years a friend found a nervous system healer and asked if I could do a trade. This healer gave me over $1,000 worth of treatments before I could do this worktrade. After 1 1/2 years my brain injury symptoms went away. I made the mistake of thinking that that condition was healed.

My functionality improved immensely. I continued to work for this healer and work in the office. I had a positive attitude and the summer of 2004 I worked 35 hours a week, which was the most hours I had worked in 20 plus years.

In May, 2004 my ex-husband appeared at my parent's doorstep. In July, I received a letter that he found my address on the internet. He threatened me if I did not do what he wanted he would come to see me. I paniced.

Then in August, 2004 he made numerous death threats towards my daughter and myself. I took these threats serious as he had tried to drown me once. The very next day he called a well-known magazine and stated that he is Muslim and part of the Al-Queda group and he threated to blow up specific buildings in New York and San Francisco.

The Federal Bureau of Investigations workers came to my parents door and my door. Even though I knew that this was a huge notice me ploy I was very nervous. The particular gentleman that I talked to stated that if my ex-husband is this angry after 19 years I better relocate or they will find me dead.

I had a major attack of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder. At that time, I lived in a low-income apartment. I knew that it was a lot to let go of that apartment and that low rent. I needed some time to think about this decision.

I had lived in that apartment for 10 years and finally felt like I had a life. I did let go of the apartment December, 2004. I have not had a home-base since then. I feel that I have lost myself and I am always anxious and do not have a life. Thank you for listening to me. By the way, my name has been legally changed and so has my social security number as well as my driver license number. I feel to scared to tell you my legal name. Edy is my birth name.

08-04-07, 10:54
Hi Edy

And welcome to NMP, its lovely to see you here :) :) :)
Im sorry to hear about all your troubles, you have come to the right place to get help, support and make new friends.
Take a good look around the NMP site, im sure you will find lots of great information to help you get started on the road to recovery.

Love and Hugs:hugs: :hugs: :hugs:


08-04-07, 14:19

Welcome to the forum, you will get a lot of good advice here and make some new friends,

Take care

Trac xx

08-04-07, 20:45
Hi Edy

Wow you have been through so much!

Welcome aboard and lovely to see you here - you will meet some fab people here and get some great support.

08-04-07, 23:32
Hi Edy,

A big warm welcome to you. xx

Pink Princess
11-04-07, 01:21
hey welcome to the site, you will find lots of friends here and lots of supprt xxx take kare xxx