View Full Version : Changing fears/"symptoms", now blood pressure

05-12-16, 17:36
Hi! Have been reading posts on this site for a long time, but never thought I would ever post anything here. But now I have realized that it might be a good place for info and communicating with other people with the same problems.
I am 26 years old, live pretty healthy, workout 3-4-5 times a week, former athlete, dont smoke, dont drink much.
I have suffered from anxiety for probably around three years, after working way to much. Started out as health anxiety, mainly heart/intestine related. Got checked out, and the health worries subsided. But then startet the social anxiety part, getting light headed in social settings, classes etc. But have been dealing pretty good with this, then a couple of months ago I went to a big conference (4-500 people) for 5 days, of course my social anxiety went through the roof. But managed to get through it. But two nights later, I woke up with panic, and a feeling I think I havent felt before. Got checked out at the ER but nothing showed up. A week later I ended up at the ER again, this time because of chest pressure. Took an EKG, and blood pressure (150/90 or something like that), and was told to contact my GP the day after. Did so, he listened to my heart, took my BP (first 148/90, once more, and then a reading that was normal). Said everything was fine. And I pretty much lost my heart fears.
Then started my stomach/intestine fears :p But that got checked out, stool samples, blood samples, and everything turned out fine. And for some days everything was good.
But then I went in to my health portal, and found the EKG results. Of course it said some findings, and then at the end "Borderline EKG". So of course I got a bit nervous. I contacted an online doctor for reassurance :p And the comment was that the EKG could be totally fine, but it could also be a reading showing things related to high BP. Great!!!!! She recommended me to contact my GP for a new EKG, and 24 hour BP monitoring. So then of course I panicked again. (I have ordered an hour at my GP).

But I did the stupidest thing ever, I bought a BP monitor...... Thought I could manage to desentizise myself.. So I took it a lot the first night, probably ended up at an average around 132/75 or something. Was pretty happy about that. Of course there was some high ones, that made me nervous.
The next morning I got up, took some readings, a couple at 128/73, then one at 136/78 or something. And then I took one right before leaving, and got 120/75, of course I felt great afterwards.
Went to school, got home at night. And startet again..... My first three readings were "fine", 128/72 on two, and then one at 132/75 or something. So I left it at that. But of course I had to try again half an hour later.......
First reading 145/78 or something, panicked, got sweaty and everything, took a new one, 138/75, still not satisfied, took a new one, 148/75. Numbers are estimates. Of course I got panic, but managed to stop. And went to bed.
Then this morning I started over again. Got an average of 134/76 or something, of course not satisfied.
Now I am soon going home, and I am really going to try to avoid doing this again. Waiting for my GP-session.
Any one else had any similar problems?

Sorry for the long post

05-12-16, 17:40
Sounds like "White Coat Syndrome" without the white coat. They're all still within normal ranges but you're obsessing over it causing them to go up a bit. My suggestion is to throw away the BP monitor. Unless ordered by a doctor, there's no need to be taking your BP like that.

Positive thoughts