View Full Version : Going snowboarding

05-12-16, 19:43
I'm going snowboarding next year and have only been once before. I was absolutely petrified from an anxiety perspective but ended up really enjoying myself.

Anyway, once again the same fears are here. I'm not so worried about not being any good as I'm very sporty so like to throw myself into it. However, I have this overwhelming fear that I'll bang my head and die or something :weep:

My Mum and I are super close but she too has always had health concerns relating to me. I know its because she cares so much but it's unfortunately, rubbed off on me now. She's always been a health panicker and a general worrier about me so I get terrified I'm going to have a terrible accident and die. I worry that she'll be worried while I'm away and I just don't enjoy it.

I get that bad at times that I almost envision newspaper headlines about my death! That sounds mental saying it out loud.

How do I overcome this and not dread the next 2 months?


06-12-16, 17:21
Going snowboarding should be something thats fun! Not something you dread, You really enjoyed yourself last time, and i'm sure you will this time too.

You're not going to bang your head and die from it. Especially since you're more careful as you're anxious about it, the chances of that happening are pretty much zero.

06-12-16, 18:51
I think I remember you posting a similar thread last year very similar but you went and had a great time. I am assuming you wear all the safety clothing and a good fitting helmet so I am sure you will be fine.
If you remember my daughter was going snowboarding about the same time as you. Ok...worst case scenario you fall and bash your head...this happened to my daughter and I got a telephone call from her husband from the hospital...but she was fine, made her dizzy for a little while but no damage done because she was wearing a helmet.
She has been snowboarding loads of times and never had any problems.
Go and enjoy yourself!

13-12-16, 12:48
Oh God! I replied to these posts straight after receiving them but mustn't have hit send or something. I look so rude!

Thank you SO much for your help, guys. Whilst I am looking forward to it, I always cast my mind back to Natasha Richardson banging her head and dying which just plays on my mind. The fact that I have a worrier for a Mom too doesn't help. It can make the whole experience quite painful in truth. At times, I've almost avoided doing things to ease the mental anguish.

How do you get over this health worry when you know its something that CAN happen?

13-12-16, 13:04
How do you get over this health worry when you know its something that CAN happen?

Do you worry when you get in the car to go out to the store? Do you worry when you eat a meal? Do you worry that you'll be hit by a rouge meteor? Do you worry that each time you go to the bank you'll be caught in a robbery? All of these things carry as much risk as contracting a serious illness or getting seriously injured but you "choose" to focus on it. I don't believe we can control that we worry. That's human nature but we can control what we worry about and how much we let it affect us.

Positive thoughts

14-12-16, 11:41

You are right. Yet the difference is that snow sports carry a 'high risk' factor which walking down the road doesn't. It's that that worries me.

I just want to go away and enjoy myself without having to over-worry (some practicality is sensible) about my health :blush:

14-12-16, 16:09
You've got this sweetie!! It sounds lots of fun! I know it's hard but when it gets here? You won't be thinking about your health at all. Your mind will be distracted!

29-12-16, 18:38
I've been writing here and it isn't updating for some reason.

It's been awful over Christmas but that's more of a general anxiety. However, we're off to the Snowdome for a practice tomorrow and earlier I was in a terrible state of anxiety. I've just had enough of this and need to know it's alright and doesn't matter...

31-12-16, 12:12
I hope your practice went well?
You say it is a 'high risk' sport but not as high risk as others. Most accidents actually happen in the home so you might be safer in the snow :)

31-12-16, 19:14
You'll be fine! Go enjoy it, wish I was snowboarding sounds mint fun.
Don't let anxiety snatch this from you. I missed my friends wedding in Venice cos of stupid HA and I regret it so much. X

01-01-17, 18:10
Maybe you're right. I think a lot of the anxiety might come from my hubby unintentionally. He's amazing and keeps saying I just 'need to do it'. It doesn't help and makes me very tense. I feel bloody stupid 🙀