View Full Version : Esophageal Cancer? Gerd?

06-12-16, 02:18
Hi all, I have posted here about this before, but as my health anxiety has started to take over my life again I figured I would look here to try and calm my worries again.

I am suffering from Dysphagia, and I have had this symptom for roughly 3-4 months. It does not occur during every meal. When it does occur, it feels as though food gets stuck at the very bottom of my chest/right below my chest, where I imagine the esophagus meets the stomach. Usually the feeling of food being stuck/a feeling of pressure will disappear after I burp. The symptoms for the most part have not increased or decreased in intensity although some days it is worse and some days it is better. I have not suffered from regurgitation, although sometimes it feels as though the food may come back up. I occasionally have heartburn after eating, and if I drink sugary drinks or alcohol the heartburn is usually very intense. I rarely have any pain - although some spicy foods such as wings or buffalo chicken wraps can trigger some pain. I sometimes feel nauseous.

I used Prilosec for 14 days and did not feel as this helped - although my diet consisted of fatty fast food and alcohol as I am a college student.

I have gone to the Doctor twice, and she has told me that there is almost no chance that I have esophageal cancer, but that isn't completely reassuring as no tests have been done to rule this out.

After my doctor spoke to my mom (I attend college 14 hours away from home) she agreed to let me have a barium swallow done to ease my worries. However, the barium swallow isn't for two more weeks and at this point I feel like I have waited too long and that if anything is found it will be at an advanced stage.

Other than these symptoms I am a healthy 19 year old, not over weight and I go to the gym often.

I am just looking for any comments as I am very stressed out and hate that I have to wait another few weeks before I have my test done. I can't eat without focusing on how the food feels as it goes down.

Thanks for any comments in advance.

06-12-16, 06:58
I occasionally have heartburn after eating, and if I drink sugary drinks or alcohol the heartburn is usually very intense. I rarely have any pain - although some spicy foods such as wings or buffalo chicken wraps can trigger some pain. I sometimes feel nauseous.

I used Prilosec for 14 days and did not feel as this helped - although my diet consisted of fatty fast food and alcohol as I am a college student.

Just because you're a college student doesn't mean you can't consume proper nutrition and avoid the foods that trigger your symptoms. On the contrary, because you're a college student and should know better. You know exactly what you need to do to minimize these common indigestion/gerd/acid stomach reactions to the foods you eat.

Positive thoughts