View Full Version : Anybody use weed for anxiety/depression?

06-12-16, 11:41
Hi guys.

So I've been a long time smoker. Of course I started as we all start as a teenager experimenting which turned into smoking it almost every day. I have had periods of no smoking but generally I would smoke it regularly most of the time.

Over the years I have found that weed can actually increase my anxiety so these days I tend to use very small amounts due to the fear of it kicking off anxiety. I would happily just give it up but I find it is the best cure for depression I can find. It allows me to sit and watch a movie or play a game and be fully tuned in rather than being distracted by depressive thoughts (unless I smoke too much then it increases thoughts).

I just wondered what everybody else's experience is with this. Do you find it helps or hinders? I'm in a constant battle with myself trying to decide whether this "medicine" is beneficial to me or not. I suppose at the end of the day it is down to the person but would be interesting to hear people's thoughts. Cheers

06-12-16, 15:37

This is just a courtesy reply to let you know that your post was moved from its original place to a sub-forum that is more relevant to your issue.

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07-12-16, 01:38
It's definitely depends each person. Sometimes I feel like it increases my anxiety and sometimes i feel like it helps. i guess it depends my mood before i smoke that also plays a huge roll. if i'm constantly anxious/depressed going into the high then it's going to make my thoughts 10x worse. I think a big factor in it too is your mood beforehand

07-12-16, 04:56
How about the CBD oil stuff? The anxiety provoking ingredient has been reduced to a legally acceptable level in order to be on sale in these.

07-12-16, 09:27
I've not used weed as a friend I had in Nottingham suffered from an awful lot of paranoia which was linked to his use of weed, so I haven't gone near it I'm afraid

07-12-16, 11:25
I wouldn't use it either. I used to hang about with people who smoked it and the way they acted has given me a negative opinion on it. Obviously for some it calms them down (I've often walked past people who are clearly smoking a joint, twice this week in fact), but for some it's the opposite and as we used to call it in school 'skitses them out' and knowing my luck I'd be that way.