View Full Version : Headaches, still convinced brain tumour...

06-12-16, 20:56
Hi, posted last week.

Headaches are still here, not as bad.. really worried somethings wrong with me, its scaring me and ruining my life.

Don't know what to do... help?

06-12-16, 22:30
Have you taken painkillers? Have you been to the doctor? They would seem like the starting points to me.

06-12-16, 22:37
Ive been to the doctors and they checked me over, shined light in my eye etc and said they think its eye strain and tension headaches.. but for a whole month, nearly every day??

Paracetamol doesn't really help. Went to the opticians, got given glasses for distance, this has also made me think i may have a brain tumour.. headaches, sight problems?? :-(

06-12-16, 22:48
Try drinking more water

06-12-16, 22:59
You don't have a brain tumour, then.

And eye strain could and does easily persist for a long time. Do you stare at your phone a lot?

As for paracetamol, it's often necessary to keep taking it (within the bounds of the instructions on the label) before you get the best effects. And they're are other over-the-counter pain medications as well.

Give your eyes plenty of rest, try to reduce your stress, drink plenty of water, eat well and get some exercise. Oh, and trust your doctor.