View Full Version : Help...

07-12-16, 00:56
Back after many times... but i still cannot get over this anxiety. it's so bad it's tearing my life apart and i'm not sure what to do anymore.... :weep: i've been trying everything, eating healthy, taking multi-vitamins (for magnesium and b-12), been drinking loads of water, vegetable juice etc and nothing is easing my heart palpitations... im not sure what else to do, but if nothing is stopping it then i can't help but think of the worst.... i think the kind of palpitations i have are PAC or PVC's. (Will feel like a hard thump pausing, then another hard thump and will go back to normal) i experience these day in and day out.. with no relief. went to the ER but was only hooked up to an ECG for 30 seconds , and they picked up nothing. they took some blood and my enzymes were okay and they sent me home with vistaril... the meds seem to make it worse honestly, all i feel is tired, but maybe that's not such a bad thing since my life is so hell that i'd rather be asleep than be awake because i know i have to deal with my anxiety and depression over this every single day, all day. I have no insurance until the 1st so i can't even get help... i wake up every single day thinking this is the day that i die from a heart attack or from cardiac arrest. I get severe brain fog, heart palpitations, muscle spasms/twitching, insomnia, shortness of breath (When im having a panic attack), bowel troubles, acid reflux/gerd, generally feeling unwell. every pain, ache, cramp sends me into anxiety and i just can't take the stress anymore. i think the stress is killing me more than anything else...
Also.. i'm sleeping 12+ hours a night..which i know is not normal, but i've done it for a large majority of my life (about 6-7 years)and sometimes i can wake up and still feel tired after all that sleep..

Catherine S
07-12-16, 01:56
Ok, here's the thing, and please do not think i'm in any way trying to make you feel worse ok, but these palpitations/pvc's started for me in my mid 20s....and they never completely went away. I'm 63yrs old now and had a few happen again today as I do most days. That's over 40 years of pvcs, but i'm cool with them these days because in all of those years they have never hurt me. Scared the crap out of me many many times over, but my heart still beats and i'm still here.

These pvcs and flutters have happened all the way through college, romances and breakups, marriage and divorce, 4 pregnancies, 4 births and numerous deaths. I live to tell many tales and my heart has thumped and missed beats right with me all the way. I've seen numerous doctors...some I've outlived, had more tests than NASA provides for their astronauts, and always been told that my heart is a good one. After all these years I believe it.

We, and they, may never know exactly what causes these premature ventricular beats. I gave up caffeine, smoking, drinking and almost gave up sex because it's common for them to happen during this too...anything that alters our normal breathing pattern can produce them...I get them in the winter if it's cold enough to make me shiver, whereas warm weather relaxes me so I tend not to get them so much in the summer.

They will not harm your heart, believe it. The doctors know what to listen to for heart problems and they know the difference, believe that too. What you can do, besides looking for the reasons why you get them and that's ok to do, is to get some relief from them if they are really bothering you and adding to your anxiety every day. That can be exhausting which doesn't help.

As I mentioned in a previous thread you posted about this, I take low dose beta blocker called Bisoprolol and it works really well on these pvcs believe me. Any beta blocker would do the same, including propranolol which I have taken in the past. Taking meds for these palpitations isn't admitting you have a heart problem, because what you have is benign and not organic, and it's only the same as taking a painkillerv to get rid of a bad headache. Why suffer?


07-12-16, 02:04
Ok, here's the thing, and please do not think i'm in any way trying to make you feel worse ok, but these palpitations/pvc's started for me in my mid 20s....and they never completely went away. I'm 63yrs old now and had a few happen again today as I do most days. That's over 40 years of pvcs, but i'm cool with them these days because in all of those years they have never hurt me. Scared the crap out of me many many times over, but my heart still beats and i'm still here.

These pvcs and flutters have happened all the way through college, romances and breakups, marriage and divorce, 4 pregnancies, 4 births and numerous deaths. I live to tell many tales and my heart has thumped and missed beats right with me all the way. I've seen numerous doctors...some I've outlived, had more tests than NASA provides for their astronauts, and always been told that my heart is a good one. After all these years I believe it.

We, and they, may never know exactly what causes these premature ventricular beats. I gave up caffeine, smoking, drinking and almost gave up sex because it's common for them to happen during this too...anything that alters our normal breathing pattern can produce them...I get them in the winter if it's cold enough to make me shiver, whereas warm weather relaxes me so I tend not to get them so much in the summer.

They will not harm your heart, believe it. The doctors know what to listen to for heart problems and they know the difference, believe that too. What you can do, besides looking for the reasons why you get them and that's ok to do, is to get some relief from them if they are really bothering you and adding to your anxiety every day. That can be exhausting which doesn't help.

As I mentioned in a previous thread you posted about this, I take low dose beta blocker called Bisoprolol and it works really well on these pvcs believe me. Any beta blocker would do the same, including propranolol which I have taken in the past. Taking meds for these palpitations isn't admitting you have a heart problem, because what you have is benign and not organic, and it's only the same as taking a painkillerv to get rid of a bad headache. Why suffer?


That didn't make me feel worse at all.. thankyou very much for the response. that is a long time to deal with these palpitations... I'm not scared that they are doing damage but I am scared of an underlying problem... I too am giving up caffeine and tobacco in attempts to stop them... I should quit anyway, regardless. and yes.. my anxiety is very exhausting, like i originally said I will regularly get 12+ hours of sleep and still feel tired. I tend to get them more when i'm tired or get to much sleep. I should try beta blockers regularly, I tried them for a couple days but was tired of.. well feeling tired, lol. They made me extremely fatigued but somehow gave me quite a bit of insomnia. But I will start trying to take them again and see if i have some relief. although i'm not sure if its dangerous to take beta blockers if your heart rate is normally at 60-70. (anything below 60 is to slow, right?)

Catherine S
07-12-16, 02:26
Well, Bisoprolol at 40mg daily usually brings my resting pulse down to around 59 beats, and it's around 78/79 before I take it, so if your pulse is already on the low side, which is common in young people, you were perhaps on too much previously. It's trying to get the balance between taking enough to override the palps and not putting you to sleep lol! If you trust your doctor have another chat about this. Alternatively, there are some really effective natural remedies available for this problem too.

Try to be reassured that there is no underlying condition causing this, the tests would show it. Heart disease is the one of the easiest conditions to diagnose for these doctors, they would have seen anything abnormal. I remember way back when they hooked me up to a heart monitor onevtime, and I made them turn the volume to zero because I was so scared to listen.


---------- Post added at 02:26 ---------- Previous post was at 02:20 ----------

Devyn, I just happened to read your reply on a thread asking about smoking weed and anxiety, and you saying you smoke this too. You're asking why you get palpitations and you smoke weed? Really? I give up.

07-12-16, 02:29
Well, Bisoprolol at 40mg daily usually brings my resting pulse down to around 59 beats, and it's around 78/79 before I take it, so if your pulse is already on the low side, which is common in young people, you were perhaps on too much previously. It's trying to get the balance between taking enough to override the palps and not putting you to sleep lol! If you trust your doctor have another chat about this. Alternatively, there are some really effective natural remedies available for this problem too.

Try to be reassured that there is no underlying condition causing this, the tests would show it. Heart disease is the one of the easiest conditions to diagnose for these doctors, they would have seen anything abnormal. I remember way back when they hooked me up to a heart monitor onevtime, and I made them turn the volume to zero because I was so scared to listen.


True... i'm only 21 years of age so you're right about the young thing. I have no family history of heart disease or people who just die without cause. there's always a reason.. so i'm not sure why i'm in this constant loop of worrying about my heart, even after tests and multiple doctors telling me i'm fine, that it's all anxiety, i still believe that something is wrong with my heart.. how evil is the human body, that it can mimic heart problems? it's a never ending cycle... you're right though... heart disease is very easy to spot so doubting the tests is ridiculous.. i'm not having heart attacks, i'm not fainting or any of the major symptoms yet i still think of the worst... thankyou for chatting with me by the way. its reassuring to know that you've had them for that long with no actual heart problems.. now if i was getting thousands of these a day then maybe i could worry about it weakening my heart eventually but i get anywhere from a few (on a good day) and up to 40 or so (on a bad day) and maybe more that i can't feel..but the constant worry , the constant negative thoughts are so overwhelming that they make you think you're going crazy

Catherine S
07-12-16, 02:34
Giving up the weed might help you too yes?

07-12-16, 02:39
I haven't been smoking weed recently as it's been making me anxious in the times that i do use. I've been to concentrated on this to want to smoke, i'm even somewhat scared of it right now . It will make my symptoms worse especially when i'm this anxious, but i have enough control to not use it in times like this. When my anxiety is so heightened that it would do nothing but damage.

Catherine S
07-12-16, 02:48
I don't know much about weed, I've never smoked it, not even in my mispent teens and 20s, I drank too much instead, so I don't know how long the effects stay in your system. If you stop smoking it, how long before your body is clear of it? Do you think it might have contributed to the palps?

07-12-16, 02:50
I don't know much about weed, I've never smoked it, not even in my mispent teens and 20s, I drank too much instead, so I don't know how long the effects stay in your system. If you stop smoking it, how long before your body is clear of it? Do you think it might have contributed to the palps?

That is a good question.. i've read somewhere that there is somewhat of a link between ectopic beats and marijuana. it depends how much you smoke and how regularly of a smoker you are , but normally about 30 days to rid your body of all marijuana properties. I might try a water and juice detox for 30 days to see if it helps at all. if it gets rid of them, i dont mind ever smoking it again.

07-12-16, 02:58

Look... I'm all for MJ reform but if it causes issues, use common sense!

Positive thoughts

07-12-16, 03:07
it's not confirmed that it's all being caused by marijuana. i dont use heavily nor do i use everyday. in fact i haven't smoked any for over a week now. but detoxing my body of the properties might or might not help. at this point im willing to try anything.

07-12-16, 05:23
That is a good question.. i've read somewhere that there is somewhat of a link between ectopic beats and marijuana. it depends how much you smoke and how regularly of a smoker you are , but normally about 30 days to rid your body of all marijuana properties. I might try a water and juice detox for 30 days to see if it helps at all. if it gets rid of them, i dont mind ever smoking it again.

It has a 7 day half life, according to Rpsych over here (the Royal professional body for psychiatrists), and a single dose is eliminated completely at about 30 days. Heavier use will extend this because it builds up in fatty tissue so it is not all getting eliminated.

Each half life will see the dose reduce by 50% until it's completely eliminated. Since it does it in 30 days, this means it's eliminating quicker than the standard pharmacokinetic rules of <5% remaining in 5 half lives and 0% remaining in 7 half lives.

07-12-16, 05:39
it's not confirmed that it's all being caused by marijuana. i dont use heavily nor do i use everyday. in fact i haven't smoked any for over a week now. but detoxing my body of the properties might or might not help. at this point im willing to try anything.

Marijuana relaxes you for the short period of time but overall it causes crippling anxiety and paranoia, I don't have anything against it if it's not just to be cool, but if your willing to try anything, try anything but that. It's not worth twenty dollars a day for just a little gram, even if it was an ounce or who cares how much. You can smoke it all you want but in the end game it isn't really helping your anxiety at all. Take it from a former MJ smoker and just leave it and try to find other ways to cope.

07-12-16, 06:07
Marijuana relaxes you for the short period of time but overall it causes crippling anxiety and paranoia, I don't have anything against it if it's not just to be cool, but if your willing to try anything, try anything but that. It's not worth twenty dollars a day for just a little gram, even if it was an ounce or who cares how much. You can smoke it all you want but in the end game it isn't really helping your anxiety at all. Take it from a former MJ smoker and just leave it and try to find other ways to cope.

And an even bigger wake up call from our NHS:

Smoking cannabis has also been linked to an increased risk of lung cancer. Most cannabis smokers mix their cannabis with tobacco. While they tend to smoke less than tobacco smokers, they usually inhale more deeply and hold the smoke in their lungs for longer.
It's been estimated that smoking four joints (homemade cigarettes mixed with cannabis) may be as damaging to the lungs as smoking 20 cigarettes.
Even smoking cannabis without mixing it with tobacco is potentially dangerous. This is because cannabis also contains substances that can cause cancer.

Why take that risk?

07-12-16, 09:03
And an even bigger wake up call from our NHS:

Smoking cannabis has also been linked to an increased risk of lung cancer. Most cannabis smokers mix their cannabis with tobacco. While they tend to smoke less than tobacco smokers, they usually inhale more deeply and hold the smoke in their lungs for longer.
It's been estimated that smoking four joints (homemade cigarettes mixed with cannabis) may be as damaging to the lungs as smoking 20 cigarettes.
Even smoking cannabis without mixing it with tobacco is potentially dangerous. This is because cannabis also contains substances that can cause cancer.

Why take that risk?

4 joints = 20 cigarettes? can you link the source? that seems a little unrealistic, as its been found weed does less physical damage to you than tobacco. I believe it can cause lung cancer. ANYTHING that you combust into smoke and then inhale into your lungs is going to be bad for you. plus theres many alternative ways of ingesting weed other than smoking it.

---------- Post added at 04:03 ---------- Previous post was at 04:00 ----------

Marijuana relaxes you for the short period of time but overall it causes crippling anxiety and paranoia, I don't have anything against it if it's not just to be cool, but if your willing to try anything, try anything but that. It's not worth twenty dollars a day for just a little gram, even if it was an ounce or who cares how much. You can smoke it all you want but in the end game it isn't really helping your anxiety at all. Take it from a former MJ smoker and just leave it and try to find other ways to cope.

yeah im finding that out that it causes that in the long run.... i was smoking it for a long time as a form of medication but have cut down dramatically over the last few months. again, can neither confirm nor deny that weed is playing a role in my symptoms because theres no way to truly tell at this second. I'm going to wait and detox and find out but I doubt weed is causing all my anxiety/depression etc. i've generally always been an anxious and depressed person, even before I picked up smoking.

07-12-16, 12:07
The section I posted was from our NHS, that's our public health system which includes cancer treatment wards.

They didn't mention their source but I have no belief they are being unrealistic.


07-12-16, 23:32
The section I posted was from our NHS, that's our public health system which includes cancer treatment wards.

They didn't mention their source but I have no belief they are being unrealistic.


Anyway, i'm still trying to figure out how to decrease my palpitations to maybe not make them so noticeable or so frequent. and i still haven't been able to figure that out....

07-12-16, 23:36
Anyway, i'm still trying to figure out how to decrease my palpitations to maybe not make them so noticeable or so frequent. and i still haven't been able to figure that out....

Are you getting treatment for your anxiety?

Positive thoughts

Catherine S
07-12-16, 23:44
When was the last smoke of whatever substance you smoke? Was it an hour ago, a day, two days? You seem to be defending this drug, as well as dismissing the effects it's probably having on your heart. You say you've cut down, but that's not the same as cutting it out, and yet you are still asking us what you can do to aleviate the palpitations. I think I've given you all the advise I can, so all I can do is wish you the very best.


08-12-16, 00:09
When was the last smoke of whatever substance you smoke? Was it an hour ago, a day, two days? You seem to be defending this drug, as well as dismissing the effects it's probably having on your heart. You say you've cut down, but that's not the same as cutting it out, and yet you are still asking us what you can do to aleviate the palpitations. I think I've given you all the advise I can, so all I can do is wish you the very best.


A week according to the above post. So, it's still in the body.

But is it even the cause? If it isn't, it's irrelevant to the issue of the palps.

Catherine S
08-12-16, 00:43
Well I guess time will tell Terry, if Devyn stays off it for at least a month he'll at least know one way or t'other :)


08-12-16, 01:16
A week according to the above post. So, it's still in the body.

But is it even the cause? If it isn't, it's irrelevant to the issue of the palps.

This is what i'm trying to say... Theres no proof yet. So we can't confirm nor deny whether its weed. Time will tell. I have anxiety meds/Beta blockers but haven't been taking the beta blocker because I have a normal resting heart rate (60-70) and taking it would make it to slow, yes? Or is slow better?

08-12-16, 01:37
This is what i'm trying to say... Theres no proof yet. So we can't confirm nor deny whether its weed. Time will tell. I have anxiety meds/Beta blockers but haven't been taking the beta blocker because I have a normal resting heart rate (60-70) and taking it would make it to slow, yes? Or is slow better?

Devyn... :doh: Please speak to your GP about professional help. I'm a two time heart attack, triple bypass/stents survivor. I have heart disease and know what the symptoms are. You don't have it.

Positive thoughts

08-12-16, 03:09
Devyn... :doh: Please speak to your GP about professional help. I'm a two time heart attack, triple bypass/stents survivor. I have heart disease and know what the symptoms are. You don't have it.

Positive thoughts

Symptoms aren't guaranteed to show up, and palpitations are one of the symptoms of heart disease :/

08-12-16, 12:38
Symptoms aren't guaranteed to show up, and palpitations are one of the symptoms of heart disease :/

:huh: Right then....

Good luck to you and as always...

Positive thoughts