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07-12-16, 04:19
Has anyone ever tried weighted blankets for their anxiety? I heard they were extremely useful on people with anxiety and sleeping problems like insomnia. I would like to hear from some people if they've ever tried them for their health anxiety.

06-01-17, 21:40
I just bought one, I will let you know if it works :)

06-01-17, 23:02
Yes please do I heard it can be very helpful.

Catherine S
07-01-17, 01:26
Is this an American product? I've personally never heard of it but maybe others know of this in the UK? What do they claim to do? Thanks.


07-01-17, 02:34
From what I understand, it's a kin to the way a baby fees safe when swaddled in blankets. Makes sense.

Positive thoughts

07-01-17, 02:59
Interesting, I know that therapy dogs for anxiety are able to lay/press their bodies over their owner's body during panic attacks. Seems like a similar principle. Also brings to mind Temple Grandin's work and "thundershirts" or pressure wraps for anxious dogs.

07-01-17, 04:26
Reading up on them now, interesting concept.

07-01-17, 08:04
They are used a lot here in the UK for children with additional needs such as autism and sensory problems. I have a couple of friends whose kids have ASD and they find these very helpful. I thought they were more for sensory issues than anxiety as such, but I would be interested to know if they help.

Catherine S
07-01-17, 11:49
Me too, especially with the insomnia aspect :)


07-01-17, 13:52
As Cattia said: weighted blankets are used extensively for those with sensory integration issues. I work with adults with disabilities. We have two of those blankets in the room I work in for 3 individuals. The weight of the blankets calms people who have sensory or anxiety issues. They come in a variety of weights--5 lbs to 30,35 etc. We use 20 pound blankets. Depending on the quality of the product you could spend very little or a great deal. As I recall the blanket we have are in the $100-125 range.

You can also get weighted jackets :)

09-01-17, 02:19
From what I read about them regarding anxiety and sleep issues, which I have both:
Anxiety Disorder is a term used to describe a broad range of different anxiety-producing issues. While we all might experience a bout of anxiety from time to time, it becomes a disorder when the fear is prolonged over months, or even years, consistently or episodically.

It can be advantageous having a Weighted Blanke around to wrap yourself in when you begin to feel the onset of a panic attack, irritability, or a lack of concentration. The deep pressure of the weight furnishes a sense of security unlike a regular blanket.

Also, unlike a regular store-bought blanket, Weighted Blankets are natural sleeping aids. Anxiety can leave you feeling physically and mentally exhausted but still unable to fall asleep.

The added weight sewn into our blankets stimulates the production of serotonin which, in turn, converts to melatonin, the hormone that tells the body to sleep. Serotonin, often prescribed to those with anxiety, suppresses feelings of unease and boosts our mood. Then, as the melatonin level begins to increase, we feel tired and ready to fall asleep.

I will try anything to help me sleep and lose the anxiety and tension I have from my day and not rely on pills as much as I can.

Catherine S
09-01-17, 02:28
I learn something new every day. Thank you for the information Megan. I'm going to look into this as a possible help with my awful sleeping patterns of late.

ISB :) x

09-01-17, 03:01
Just read an article on this today stating positive results. No personal experience.

01-02-17, 01:23
Just a quick update, I got my blanket finally yesterday and had the best sleep in years. I was a lot less anxious too! Not sure if it was all in my head, but I will take it! Couldn't wait to get home to my blanket after work...I am reverting back to being a child with my blankie:)

Chris 614
01-02-17, 03:14
My son is twenty three and disabled...autism, OCD, sensory issues, developmentally disabled. He has used weighted blankets on and off for years. It's comforting for him. When he is particularly anxious he will get in between the mattress and box spring and then want me to lay on top of the mattress for added pressure.