View Full Version : Can someone put my mind to rest

07-12-16, 12:08
Hi can I someone give me some advise if they can as Yesterday I was really bad I just felt I couldn't cope or do this anymore my mind was all over the place I couldn't calm down I don't know if it was because I knew I was going to be on my own all day as I'm used to having someone at home all the time I felt so scared all the wat ifs were going thro my mind I felt a coward because I'm 60yrs old I should be scared of bieng on my own and then I started worrieng that I was having a nervouse breakdown and ended up foning crisis team up because I was so scared that I was I'm still worrieng now because I just keep thinking can severe anxiety cause a nervouse breakdown or is it just the anxiety that is making me think this way,I'm not sure but I think I read some ware that anxiety is just another word for anxiety. I think I'm looking for reasurance that I'm not having a nervouse breakdown or it's just the anxiety and maybe some one on here who might be able to give me some advice and put my mind to rest as it's really worring me thk you

07-12-16, 12:12
Yes, it would have been Tricia. I am the same. :(

It doesn't necessarily mean a nervous breakdown.
It is a feeling of being extremely frightened and alone and thinking the worst.
I always think it is best to phone someone in those situations, come on here or surround yourself with plenty of things to do until it passes.
It does pass and when you do get through it, it is easier the next time. x

07-12-16, 12:18
Thk you so much carnation so I it was the anxiety that made me feel the way I did yesterday and it isn't a nervouse breakdown I'm having.

07-12-16, 18:57
Sorry for the delay in replying Tricia.
Yes, anxiety can make you feel that way.
Anxiety being the 'Fear'.
I am monophobic; fear of being on my own or left on my own.
I try little bits here and there, but if it is a long time, I turn in to a pathetic, crying, shaking mess.
My therapist said that if you gradually build the time, you will eventually be ore comfortable with it.
I think it is always best to have a plan in place of those sort of times and have someone you can call on to calm you down and reassure you that you are going to be ok. Deep down, we know we will still be alive at the end of it, it's just our nerves are shattered and everything seems so much worse and we overthink everything. x

07-12-16, 21:30
Hi there , I know it's hard I've been through it many times and it does pass , with a breakdown which I had several years ago you probably wouldn't be on here asking about it I could barely function mine was brought on by a bad reaction to meds , you will get through it , I took reassurance from a site like this and it did help but I've also rang the Samaritans as as a last resort they do listen and it can help , take care .

07-12-16, 23:48
Yes, good suggestion Buster about the Samaritans.
They saved my soul and probably my life.
They are always there. x

08-12-16, 00:48
I understand how you feel being alone can be scary being left alone with the chatterbox and without having a good distraction. But remember a lot of what you feel is from ur body is dumbing chemicals into your blood and giving you different physical symptoms and and thoughts of worry and concern just focus on that you can be alone don't think up you can't handle it. I know it's hard but it'll help

08-12-16, 13:51
It sounds like your anxiety was very high, hence all the fearful thoughts.

You don't need to worry about nervous breakdown, thats what Claire Weekes called severe anxiety. Nervous breakdown is an old term so don't worry about it. If going crazy, or losing your mind is what you're worrying about then don't because anxiety can make us feel awful but we are always in control. When my anxiety spikes high I have the worst terrifying thoughts, so do most people. It's anxiety, nothing more.

If you haven't read Claire Weekes or listened to her audios you can get from Amazon then I suggest you do, they have been really helpful in my recovery.

Take care