View Full Version : health anxiety, any help please

07-12-16, 12:22
I have had HA for many years and today feel worse than ever . My back and stomach pain is so bad I think it is cancer, as usual. I have been checked out more times than i care to mention but live in fear something has been missed. For some reason things get worse in winter and i just want to cry. My adult daughter has exactly the same and we compare symptoms and feel relieved if we both have the same symotoms as we think it unlikely we could die at the same time. All ridiculous we know but the symptoms are always there. both of us have had individual counselling which relieves it for a short time but then th e HA rears its ugly head. so fed up. what on earth will get rid of this?

07-12-16, 13:02
I'm afraid that there are no easy answers. I think that most people (even if they don't suffer from anxiety). The only advice one can give for that is to get enough vitamins and enough exercise.

I think that the comparing symptoms thing is something that is bound to make both of you worse. Perhaps you could create something akin to a "swear jar" where you would put a few pence each time that one of you tries to compare symptoms?

I don't know if you will ever be completely rid of this, but I think what you can at least do is try to prevent this from becoming extreme when you start experiencing symptoms again.

07-12-16, 13:22
Thank you, that is a brilliant idea. I think every time we have 'symptoms' a swear jar would be great, tho will fill up so quick at this time of year. At least this way when we see it building it will reassure us we are still alive regardless! We do try humour and take the micky out of each other but when left to our own devices the anxiety takes advantage if you know what i mean.

07-12-16, 13:24
If it's worse this time of the year could it be SAD? Or maybe lack of vitamin D.

I'm the opposite find everything 100 x worse in the Summer.

07-12-16, 13:32
Hi Keekee, i have thought it SAD before and ensure i get out in daylight every day, but it doesnt seem to help. I think its just the way i am, me in winter and you in summer, i wish there was a definitive answer as why some of us are like this. Makes life so difficult. I, and you probably just want to be normal; whatever that is.