View Full Version : Panic attack

07-12-16, 13:41
I have been suffering from depression and anxiety for years. I don't take medication as it makes me feel worse, my husband has breathing problems to copd and sometimes can't breathe, I am his carer, well someone's that does anything even though I have no ebpnergy half the time to even have a wash, we struggle during the day, anyway, for the last few days, my husband has had a chest infection and been ill,and it has been worrying for me as he has episodes of breathlessness and it's frightening to watch, I have been feeling really exshauted and yesterday I had company my granddaughters son and son I law come for dinner, we got fish and chips . I felt as if I couldn't walk properley and my head was aching, my heart was racing. And I told my son I law how I was feeling, he told me to take it easy, I had a shower when they all went home and felt a bit better. But this morning, I woke up and sat on the side of the bed heart racing Racing feeling dizzy couldn't walk couldn't think straight, I made appointment to see the doctor, I didn't even have the strength to get washed and dressed. The doctor didn't know what was the matter with me he took my blood pressure which was bit high and come me a form for blood tests he apsaid my ears were full of wax and gave me ear drops. I am really scared about going to bed tonight in case this happens again. It happened last year and I finished up in a@e I feel as if I have panic attacks gains and it's all come back because I am burned out again. Any advice would be appreciated I don't think I can go through this again. Thanks.

07-12-16, 17:10
What a doctor!? Ear wax drops? Surely anybody can see what is the matter is stress from a difficult life situation and virtually no relief? I really wish I could suggest anything but I have little experience in such severe stress. During a period when I was a teenager (ages, ages ago) I had a particularly stressful period, and recall I found it helpful to listen to the radio when falling asleep, you could plug it in an automatic timer (counting down half an hour or so) to make it turn off after a while. Other than that, I suppose the only real solution is to try to get more assistance so you get more relief caring for your husband, but I have no idea how that would be done, but someone else might know.

07-12-16, 17:16
I agree with your doctor giving you something for your ears if they are full of wax as that can cause dizziness too. Has your doctor suggested ant counselling to help with your anxiety? Have you tried beta blockers for anxiety? They don't make you feel as bad as the other meds as they don't have an effect on your brain just slows your heart down a little.

09-12-16, 15:43
I'm a carer to my daughter who has severe learning difficulties, I can relate to what you're going through, it's a culmination of stress, exhaustion, and anxiety, I've been going through the same lately what triggered mine off was a bad virus that went to my ears that affected my balance, I went to doctors to get checked out and he just said it's a virus, there is a bad virus going about!

I think the other symptoms is when you are low and everything gets too much, and it's hard to accept it's just stress and anxiety, as soon as you start to accept that's what it is things should start to get better, but it takes time, not a quick fix overnight, I've been in bed relaxed and I've had Panic Attacks come on out the blue

10-12-16, 12:07
Yes. I have had a bad cold the end of October, then a cough, which I still have that's not so bad now, my son who has crohns got a dreadful chest infection and he sometimes helps out. I have been feeling totally exshauted please excuse spelling.i think I need help, I cannot cope with my husbands severe copd and post herpetic shingle pain, as well,as my panic disorder and anxiety. I have to do all the housework and shopping and cooking, I have no family other than my son,who's wife doesn't want to know about me and husband, my daughter lives abroad and rings me every day, I think I will have to give up my home which I love for something smaller or bungalow, I suppose because I get this anxiety and the panic, even though it dies down it always comes back and I have to look at long term, it's a hard situation for me at the moment, I have someone to do my garden,and if I could get a proper cleaner that I can trust it would help, it's getting this help. I think it's crunch time, as I have to do so much for my husband and my daughter says to me you have to cope , which I do but I think I am burnt out , any advice would be appreciated. By the way I am still putting in olive oil in my ears, I feel sick most of the time and spaced out don't know if it's anxiety or a virus.

---------- Post added at 12:07 ---------- Previous post was at 12:00 ----------

Sorry what did the doctor give you for your ears, I get s apain sometimes and itch and he said they full of wax, and gave me olive oil for one week and sodium Barca o ate for the second week and to see the nurse to have them washed out. I went to the dentist two weeks ago and she said my bottom tooth is decayed and needs to be removed , it doesn't hurt just when cold liquid goes in it, I don't know how I am going to cope with all this on top of this anxiety, I feel like giving up.