View Full Version : Anxiety rears its ugly head again

07-12-16, 14:23

I was diagnosed with anxiety last year after having some very scarey physical symptoms, tingling, twitching, brain fog, finger jerking, pins and needles, the list goes on!! After seeing a private neurologist, and getting a clean MRI of brain and C spine, he said symptoms were most likely related to anxiety. I also had really low ferritin which I'm on iron tablets for.
After a few sessions of CBT, I was back to myself again.

Now I was a googler and promised myself I wouldn't do it again.

My problems started when I got off a long 8 hour night flight with 2 kids, my left leg felt heavy and tense, almost numb but not numb. This is when I started to worry about it and the more I worried the old anxiety symptoms came back, I felt at ease that it was anxiety as I reckongnsed the symptoms and knew i had been stressing about my leg.
I exercise regularly and one night after a very hard leg workout outdoors, my left leg have way whilst running. I didn't trip nor did I twist my ankle, I got up straight away and carried on running. I stupidly went home and googled and a story came up about a man being diagnosed with ms after a fall, I didn't click on it, but skimmed past it.
So since then I have had pain in ankle joint, feelings of heat and pins and needles in foot. They come and go.

What I'm struggling to understand is why is it only in this leg? I have been running twice since it's happened but now I'm too scared it will happen again.
I ran a half marathon in sept and used to do outdoor fitness classes once a week and now I don't do anything. My brain fog, tingling, twitching, etc is all back, but it feels different on my leg. I never had the feeling of pain or feeling of heat in ankle before. It only lasts for seconds, but it's enough to scare me.
I can't remember any of my CBT techniques but will read back info, also can't get a appt for dr until the new year, really want the dr I seen before when I went.

Can anyone help me please?

07-12-16, 14:34
I've had everything you describe. Tingling, Fog, Low Ferritin levels, the works.

Making a dietary changed helped me immensely. I went on a gluten-free diet, and the brain fog went away. My energy levels came back, and I felt properly myself again.

I'm certain it wasn't a coincidence. On the occasions where I have unwittingly had something with gluten in, the fog came back, and I felt as rough as ********s.

Honestly, I wouldn't have been able to cope this last 6 months if it wasn't for that change.

07-12-16, 14:41
Thank you for your reply. I have been on iron for a year and haven't been recalled for repeat blood test so have asked the dr receptionist to ask the dr.

I feel better with the brain fog and I'm at ease as much as I can be with the common anxiety symptoms, it's more the ankle pain and occasional flash of heat to it. I have read about anxiety causing tension to a joint and I'm trying not to Google anymore, but it's worrying me end, fuelling my anxiety circle even more.

07-12-16, 21:03
I went through a spell of 2 months where on occassion, my left leg would be sore. And I mean really sore, all over! Usually at night. I never knew whether it was anxiety related, but it must have been because it went away.
I've had so many aches and pains in multiple parts of my body, but rarely in multiple places at once. It's usually localized to one place for a few days, then it's at another place for a few days.
Anxiety does weird things. And honestly, it might not even be anxiety. It could be the flight!
In fact, that pain in my left leg came right after a flight from Florida. Probably from sitting in a small space for a long time and cramping your muscles. I wouldn't focus too much on it.

07-12-16, 23:56
Thank you for your reply

My leg pain started after my flight from Florida too!! But that was 2 months ago.
Since I wrote the post I have experienced a lot of warm/hot flashes to my leg, which has sent my anxiety through the roof. When watching the tv tonight I just realised that I didn't feel it, but can feel it when I'm typing this. I read that burning etc to the skin can be common in anxiety.
I think I got scared after my leg gave out when I was running, and since then I know I have focused on a bit more than I should have, so I can understand why it's sore. My husband works away and when he's home I know my anxieties settle down a bit.
It's just so hard to accept that anxiety can do this - if that's what this is.
I can't keep running off to the neurologist when I get a new pain and it starts me freaking out.
My muscles in my leg seem tense and I wondered if that would cause issues in my leg and ankle.
Will prob make appt for dr for reassurance.

20-12-16, 09:26
I've had everything you describe. Tingling, Fog, Low Ferritin levels, the works.

Making a dietary changed helped me immensely. I went on a gluten-free diet, and the brain fog went away. My energy levels came back, and I felt properly myself again.

I'm certain it wasn't a coincidence. On the occasions where I have unwittingly had something with gluten in, the fog came back, and I felt as rough as ********s.

Honestly, I wouldn't have been able to cope this last 6 months if it wasn't for that change.

Funny you should mention gluten because since Friday I have stopped eating bread and have gone as gluten free as I can. I'm not gluten intolerant (was tested in July) but I was getting desperate and some foods definitely make the anxiety symptoms worse, especially brown bread. So the last three days, my anxiety levels have gone from a 9 to a 3. My heart isn't thumping as much and my head feels much clearer. I also have energy but not the manic adrenalised energy that comes with anxiety. My sleep is also improving. I managed 8 hours last night. 3 on the sofa and 5 in bed. 5am is a big improvement on last weeks 3AMs.

Possibly the biggest thing is I actually felt calm for the first time in God knows how long.

The only other thing I am doing differently is talking Calcium supplements because my Dexa scan showed weakening of my bones.

One of these (or maybe both) has had a definite effect.

20-12-16, 10:06
That is so awesome Nora!!

While I think I will always be susceptible to anxiety, changing my diet, and daily routine has reduced it to a point where its like night and day compared to how I used to be.